Whoville, Out of Character's Journal
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Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

    Time Event
    Enviroment stuff & Thanks
    Hello again everyone *waves*
    Well, we've just finished up my first ever RP thread over here, with huge thanks to the lovely Anna and her Ten for the handholding, patience and huge amounts of fun! It's been a fab week, and I'm ever so slightly hooked *g*

    Just a heads up that John Hart and the Doctor, well specifically John, managed to change the contents of a hotel room before entering it. We've put this down to John's Time Agent psychic training/ odd 51st century genetic background, and that the enviroment is becoming more malleable, as per the mod post here.

    John'll be sticking around town, so hope to bump into some more of you soon *g*

    Current Mood: horny

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