Whoville, Out of Character's Journal
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Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

    Time Event
    Hello all!!

    *coughs nervously*
    Umm.. hello everyone.. *waves*

    I'm completely new to all this, so please feel free to kick me/ e mail me/ take me to task if I completely eff up *g*

    I'll be bringing in Captain John Hart to Whoville soon. He'll be coming in just pre-KKBB, ie post time loop, and Jack leaving him. He's got a profile over here . 

    I'm Gaynor by the way :) . Some of you may know me as sistercarrion over on LJ . I also have an IJ now under the same name:

    [info]sistercarrion, so feel free to add me. Just for time reference sake, I'm based in the UK, although I'm usually to be found mooching about at all hours of day and night!

    Any and all advice is much appreciated, and I'm very approachable, or at least I like to think so *g*.

    John (and I) look forwards to playing with you soon!


    ETA: I've just opened my first open thread *wibble*. Here goes nothing *g* I'll be about for a good solid few hours tonight, if anyone wants to play..

    Current Mood: excited

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