Whoville, Out of Character's Journal
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Monday, April 7th, 2008

    Time Event
    Off for a bit
    I'll be gone for the next week or so, while I am up in Maine, without internet. I'll see y'all when I get back, and I'll have some updates for the offsite then, so... *grins*

    Laters, all!
    I've been debating about bringing this guy in for the past week.

    I'm still not sure he's completely playable in an interactive environment, as opposed to fic, but I think I can keep him on a short enough leash to make it feasible. He is almost certainly not going to be here often, or for long at a time. But, well.

    He has a profile and he's been joined to the comms. So, we'll see. His point of entry (pre or post Utopia) is slightly undecided, but we'll see.)

    In other, and only slightly related news, I have four billion Doctor muses rattling around my brain- including canon(ish) Nine and Five's, so those'll probably be along at some point in the not-too-distant future.

    ETA: Post-Utopia. With a Master in a box. Who wont' be coming out.

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