Whoville, Out of Character's Journal
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Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

    Time Event
    Mod Note.
    Everyone should read this. It won't necessarily stay after the Doctor and Master leave the outside/stop thinking about it, your characters don't have to see it if you don't want to, but if you want to play with vague, superficial changes to the environment , or to react to this superficial change- knock yourselves out. ...It's a crack game. Crack is good. And, as the Master's noted, it's always been somewhat malleable/receptive to thoughts/desires.

    The one request I have for this is for you to remember that the town is not going to provide your characters with anything they want SOLEY to hurt someone else: AKA: if Jack is pissed off and REALLY wants another gun so he can shoot someone - a loaded gun is not going to appear. A water gun might. Sweeping fires and tornados are right out. But, anyway. If you've seen the Star Trek: Next Generation pilot, think Farpoint Station. If not -

    Yes. The town is getting a little better at the sentient thing. Play with it if you want, ignore it if you don't.

    /random ramble.

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