Whoville, Out of Character's Journal
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Thursday, February 21st, 2008

    Time Event
    Because Melody is awesome
    Melody made me very, very lovely banners for my Doctor and Master's profiles! I just wanted to point you to them, squee, and thank her again. She also made ones of just Alt!Nine and Alt!Jacobi!Master, my favorite of which you can see here. It is very them.
    picking up
    So, I've been stuck mostly offline with RL stuff and transferring to a new laptop and I've lost a LOT of links along the way.

    And more importantly, comment notifs.

    Please, if any of my chars owe you tags, let me know!

    [info]cpt_jack [info]missjones [info]flygirl [info]melodi [info]lucy_saxon [info]hunter_dean

    And if anyone fancies picking up Sam, Dean's going to be very, very relieved to see him.
    And now that I have all the character pages up, and the links should all work.

    Whoville Offsite

    I have more ideas on stuff to do with it, but it's functional now. And all the links work.

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