Whoville, Out of Character's Journal
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Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

    Time Event
    I'm afraid I'll be bringing another Doctor onto the scene, sorry guys, but I couldn't resist...

    Because I love the idea of a regeneration going wrong and ending up as a girl.... XD

    if there are any Doctor-knowing Jacks who'd like a scene please please let me know, I think his reaction to this would be just classic
    Another character from me (Laus) I'm afraid. I couldn't resist the sexy, confident Tosh from 2.05, Adam. I'm working on her profile at the moment. It's quite fun iconing her; she has a very... nice top in that episode. Hee.
    Hello from Buffy
    OK, so I've had Buffy bugging me to be allowed to come and play for a while now and I've finally given in.

    I've really not written her very much so it might take me a while to find her voice, but I want to give it a go.

    And since I've been responsible for bringing in several of the more troublesome/worrying characters, I figured it was also my responsibility to bring in someone to help sort them out! *g*


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