Whoville, Out of Character's Journal
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Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

    Time Event
    Ok, two questions while I'm working on updating the character chart again.

    (1) Which characters do you have active? (as in, currently have threads you're responding to/waiting on a response to)

    (2) Which are their active threads?

    If I contact you directly otherwise, don't worry about responding here.

    I'm defaulting the chart with "no active threads", so if your character does have an active thread, and the chart says otherwise, let me know please - or tell me not to worry about it, as Becky already has. *looks a little sheepish*

    Character Chart: Updated 6 Feb 2008, 11:21 EST (and, why yes, I do tend to update a lot, if you want to make use of it...)

    *goes to put a note to herself to go find dinner before she drives herself more batty*
    I mentioned it in the descriptions in recent threads, but in case it got missed - [info]neverthelast is now wearing Ten's usual brown pinstripes, black Converses, and a red rose in his lapel. [info]themasterborn is in the usual black suit, with a white rose on his lapel. This is a visual cue for their own benefit, that they came up with after running into each other, and they won't be going around telling every character about it. But observant characters may notice and do what they like with this information, of course!
    Morgyn here
    I wasn't really planning on it, but I got bit by an idea when Anna mentioned, in the course of discussion that started with the Eleven/Master thread, that she'd always fancied Anthony Head as the Master. So I have a Master from the same universe as [info]eleventh, about three years, subjective, after he died at the end of "Last of the Time Lords". She asked if he was evil - the answer is hell yes, he is. Currently got taken away from plans to inspect a war ship prior to its launch. He's not amused.

    Profile here. I'm going to go post an intro post before I go to bed. And add him to the character chart. And... anyway. Yeah.

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