Whoville, Out of Character's Journal
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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

    Time Event
    Um. Re: Group Jack Thread. I know - I know - I suck at group threads and loose track of order and characters and all matter of things. So someone please smacke me in email (or comment to this post, actually) when you need me to go, and I'll keep an eye on it and have my characters interject when I can to keep things moving forward but don't let me hang anyone up.

    ...Actually, if anyone needs OOC communication for that thread, feel free to use this post for that, too?
    This is Laura again, with somebody else. Again, from Glint of Green etc, but this is an AU Emma who actually survived being half-human.

    Bio and banner in user info (jack_675 now has a banner as well).
    I want to apologize for being so spastic the last week. School just started, and I've been having trouble adjusting to the lack of time (and the actual requirements of sleep). Hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things. I know I need to reply to Rhia with tiny!Koschei.

    Does anyone else want one of my kids?

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