Whoville, Out of Character's Journal
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Saturday, January 12th, 2008

    Time Event
    Oh, how funny is that, to have Methos finding out he's just a tv character to someone else? Brilliant! :-)

    (And no, I'm not saying anything about son-of-Jack-and-Doctor. Not a word. *g*)
    Ok, I think I'm *actually* over the hump of crazy scheduling the last few weeks have been. So, maybe I can actually participate in more then one thread now.

    I'm also thinking of bringing in a (even more?) morally ambivelant Ten. From an alternate universe way off from ours, obviously. Not over the top crazy, or thinking of himself as being evil, just even more "the ends justify the means" and disconnected from individuals then our Ten.
    Um, would anyone have any objection to me bringing in a BtVS character?

    Specifically, Spike.

    S4, chipped Spike, so he's not going to go round eating people.

    And here he is. :-)

    Will be available for play a bit later. Going out to the playground with my son for a bit.
    And because we have a good, not crazy Master (which I'm loving btw), I did make a less then good, possibly crazier Ten. It seemed only right.
    I've done a mass "friend add" list for Toshiko's journal but don't know how to make a button. If anyone else wants it, holler!
    Sorry, I'm spamming today, but - just got to this and am just ROFLMAO.
    Friend All Button!

    ETA: [info]bravernow now included.
    Um. Hello everyone! I'm Rev.

    I'm playing Gwen Cooper Circa. Midway through the Year That Never Was. She's become pretty cold and angry (Jack left, Rhys was murdered, Tosh was killed - And that's only three months in). She feels guilty for Tosh's death and hasn't slept in Weeks so she's slightly jumpy.

    I don't think she'd speak to Jack if she saw him, though any Jack is welcome to try. Anyone want to play?

    Also, I'm on AIM at in stories told if you want to plot.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: crush crush crush - paramore
    I love, love, love that people have found this game and wandered in to play with us. Actually, I love everyone that's playing and am glad people are having fun. I am also a huge sap.

    And sleepy, but that's got nothing to do with anything.
    So many interesting conversations, so little sleep
    *will fangirl lots of people when more awake*

    Just randomly posting to say to Vae that I'm officially having fun now and I adore that description.

    Hello, I just stumbled across this community from the from page and as I have a Rani muse sitting around in my head wanting to annoy people I figured I'd join.

    General information about here is here and I'm Kate, hello!

    Hopefully I'm not going to mess up, I've ready all the rules and everything but if I do feel free to poke me.
    ...I apologize for the spam. I'm trying to do something with all my characters tonight and um. Crack emerged.

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