Whoville, Out of Character's Journal
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Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

    Time Event
    Just a thought...
    I just realised I've kind of been assuming that the Time Academy was on Earth, but that other people might not have been assuming that. Does that conflict with anyone else's views or is it OK to go wtih that?
    In case anyone was wondering, all of the seemingly random bits that Koschei is coming up with coming from this site. It's a bit of a struggle to wade through all of the information, but you can find some interesting tidbits if you know where to look.
    New Characters
    Donut-fueled plot-bunny spawns two new muses. New muses want to play in the game. I ask for help finding faces for their previous regenerations. (Thank you, Ginger!)

    The result?

    [info]femalemaster and [info]doctorladyten - The Master and the Doctor as female. This is why I don't let plot-bunnies read things such as "...an alternate universe where everyone's gender is reversed". They get ideas.

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