Royal Wands OOC's Journal
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Saturday, May 2nd, 2020

    Time Event
    Hiiiiii. Callie brings you another trash gremlin for your enjoyment.

    This is Eirian Vanity. She is....not a good person. She likes blood and torture and killing and really really isn't nice. She fakes normal by being a cold, upstanding woman but it's just a cover for the dangerous reality under the surface. Officially, she works as a guard (I NEED SOMEONE FOR HER TO GUARD) but she's really an assassin for the Crown. Or whoever pays her, honestly. Her father was a ruthless man who was only after his own ends and she took after quite happily. Her twin sister was murdered by commoners and it really broke whatever true humanity she had. So. She's here to fuck up some people. Yay. Here's her full profile if you want more.

    Gimme stuff! Please?

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