Royal Wands OOC's Journal
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Monday, April 27th, 2020

    Time Event
    Okay ya'll this is Amy with my actual last one (forever). Actual forever.

    This is Valeria Bole. You can find her here.
    Valeria is a Slytherin wrapped up in Hufflepuff wrapping paper. She seems very sweet and good-natured, even laid back but underneath is a ruthless person who is very big on 'quid pro quo'. You ask her for a favor she will act like she is very happy to selflessly help you. Really she just wants the favor so she has something to hold over you. All debts come due so even if she seems sweet on the outside, be careful. She is also exceedingly good with mind magic and is an actual royal obliviator. She is going to ruin some nice things, that's her goal.

    So love her, hate her, whatever.

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