Royal Wands OOC's Journal
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Thursday, April 16th, 2020

    Time Event
    Well it seems I am going to make an OOC introduction post for everyone.

    Dana's Characters )
    Yello. It is I, the easily enabled upside down person.

    I'm going to do a plot post/ooc intro cause who even all do I play? OKAY *deeps breath*

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    Hi friends, it's Lily jumping on the OOC intros train since nobody knows the ridiculous amount of characters I play. I added a few more, so I'm posting up my OOC cast list here with all the info! Most of mine needs friends, but I'll intro my newest ones here:

    This is Lucia Truman. She has an older brother (Gabriel, Hogwarts year 1991) and an older sister (name up to you if you want her, she could be any year as long as it's before 1991). She's a little standoffish, but she works in St. Mugno's as a mortician, so she'll interact with anyone who works there as well as her Slytherin class of 1996.

    I've also added Kingsley Shacklebolt ([info]shacklesbolted), head Auror in Scotland. Kingsley is trying to do right by the people, but you know. He might be the only one. He is secretly in the rebellion with Dumbledore, but he advocates for less violent methods. He needs friends. He also has a younger sister who is up for grabs.

    Cassidy Jones ([info]jonesifying) is Megan Jones' half sister and a reserve seeker for the Falcons. She's sporty and active. She's only 19 and she's really excitable, so please be her friend.

    Finally, there's Matthew Vaisey ([info]apprehensive). He and his twin brother are polar opposites. Matthew plays up the mysterious, enigmatic bad boy persona he was saddled with when he's really just kind of a nerd. He doesn't let anyone else know that. The twins have a younger brother in Slytherin and a younger sister in Gryffindor, if anyone wants them!

    Please plot with me. They need friends so bad. All of mine do. My kingdom for friends. kthx
    Okay, me next!

    Caly's Peoples! )
    Okay I guess I’ll do mine now (even though I’m working on a few more). I’m not going to break them down super thoroughly because I’m lazy, but I can’t be left out!

    Follow the link for Callie’s characters.

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