Royal Wands OOC's Journal
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Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

    Time Event
    So I forgot to introduce this chauvinistic asshole (and really, I think that's putting it mildly}. This is Parmesh Patil, older brother to Padma and Parvati, heir to the Patil family, Deputy Head of the DMLE of Ireland/Northern Ireland/Wales, Ravenclaw class of '87 and married to Europa Shafiq, but lets be honest its a sham of a marriage because Parmesh is your stereotypical narrow minded pureblood. He believes that women have one place in the world and one job and when you don't do what is expected? Well, ask Europa what life is like for her currently.

    He is very cold, aloof and studious. He prefers books and alcohol to actual people and he is very methodical and clinical when it comes to his job. Publicly he puts on a good show, makes it seem like he's quite charming without actually being involved with people and that he has a wonderful marriage but privately it's a completely different story.

    Apparently I like assholes so here's his work in progress app and let me know what you think!

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