Royal Wands OOC's Journal
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Saturday, March 14th, 2020

    Time Event
    Hi Everyone, it’s Caly and I have another new character and I swear I’m done for a bit. You can blame Alex for this one. So, meet Nineveh Valont. Beauxbatons graduate circa 1965, who came to Hogwarts in 1964 for the Triwizard. She’s a pureblood and related to the French Lestranges. Nineveh is a semi-retired opera singer, and mum of two. Her kids are still in France. She had recently put off her mourning after her well known philanderer of a husband was killed mysteriously passed away from a stroke. She’s gay as a rainbow, but living in Narnia except to a rare few, and well known as a patron of the arts and sciences.

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