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[10 Jul 2012|09:51pm]
Hello there! This here is Kyle Moran, a 28 year old nurse practitioner. She will literally just be arriving on the island as the game opens. Originally, she's from New Canaan, Connecticut, but went to NYU and has bounced around from cruise ships to islands working as a nurse. When she left the last island where she worked, she relocated to Philly to go for her Masters and is now an NP specializing in Family Care. Kyle is a stubborn, messy, competitive, often bitchy, eating and drinking machine who is a die-hard Yankee fan and tends to have crazy anger management issues. She's a bit boy crazy and has always been a massive flirt who has been known to dabble in one night stands, but for the past few years while in Philly, she's worked on improving herself. Part of this is her new-found love of running. She's always been athletic, but long-distance running was something she had to push herself with and she has participated in quite a few races. I'd love a running partner for her!

She knows a few people on the island, some friends, some acquaintances and her ex-boyfriend, Jacob, who she never quite got over, so Kyle may regress quite a bit when she sees him and finds out all of his recent and not-so-recent activities. I'd love some new lines and I love random threads and interactions with different characters!
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