Incognito OOC

October 17th, 2010

Incognito OOC


October 17th, 2010

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Heyhey! Rena here, aka WORST MOD EVER, bringing you my first [completed] character, Lily Evans! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED, BITCHES!

Lily has just returned from a five month stint in France, doing some intel-gathering work for the Order. I figure anyone who is in the Order would know why she went, but she begged for the opportunity after the death of her parents/epic-fight with James. She's in a bad place, but acting strong, so she needs some friends behind her! Her rambly, long-ass application is here should you be looking for a bedtime story to get you right off to sleep. I'm up for all kinds of interactions, and have her set up in such a way that she can be accessible to most people.

  • She's in the Order, and her house is one of the Order Safe Houses. So, regardless of your age, Lily would knowandloveyou so much, and you would have eaten her soup. She cooks a lot. A LOT.
  • She's working in Hogwarts starting Monday, but only as a teaching assistant for Potions so she'll only be around for those classes and possibly some individual (with Snape! :D ) classes with Slughorn, so if you're in Hogwarts or Hogsmeade, Lily time!
  • She also works part-time in the Cornelius Agrippa Library, on Vertic Alley. Let's pretend that's near Diagon Alley. She used to work there more often, but now she's strictly weekends. Still, if you're bookish, YAY HI!

I have a couple of other characters in the works, but I'll introduce them when they're good and ready. For now, give me all your plots and wonderfulness for Lily, whatever they may be! You can also find me on AIM as trixytonks, and I'm always up for a chinwag. ♥
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