out of character's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
out of character

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[20 Jul 2008|11:34pm]

Please remove Adam.

[18 Apr 2008|09:11am]

just a quick heads up that i'll be out of town for a long weekend, but dahlia will be updated when i'm back settled in on tuesday.


[27 Mar 2008|03:38pm]

So my net hasn't been working quiete right and on top of that i hurt my back at work so haven't been able to get on much. I don't know if removals have already but done, but alex and courtney both are my characters and I forgot to post a hiatus for them, i've requested membership to join everything and i am back now, so hopefully it's not too late? Just le me know.
2 comment

Friendly Mod Note [15 Mar 2008|12:34pm]

Hey all and welcome to [info]thebellagio I'm glad to see that you are making use of the introduction and storyline comm and getting all of your characters aqquainted.

Please note that All those who do not make an introduction by Tuesday (18/03/08) will be removed as it states in the rules. So if you see anyone online that hasn't posted an introduction yet, let them know or they could lose their place!

Also after the next round of adds I will be introducting [info]chinesewhispers Which will be both a secrets journal and a gossip journal. I will explain in more detail later but for now enjoy yourselves and if you have any problems, feel free to contact me!

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