Oct. 21st, 2010 @ 11:46 am Plotting
So since Emily is officially the coolest person ever and is going to try her hand at Sokka despite not really wanting to do so but doing it for the sake of the gaang game...*breathes* that was a long sentence...we're going to be able to start now! Ish! Here's my issue...

When I originally came up with the idea of an ATLA game and pitched the idea around LJ, the people who were all "ZOMGIWANNAPLAAAAAAAY!" all said mid-season two would be a good place to start. I was all whatevs and didn't really care where we started. Well, all those people who were so jazzed up to do it failed and bailed, which means...we can start any fricken place we want. Huzzah!

So...input? Either comment here, email me (phasingirl@gmail.com) or IM me (phasingirl). I will have AIM on all day, but I will also be in and out of my office so if I don't get back to you straight away, I swear I am not ignoring you.

Unless, of course, I am. 0:-D

ETA: Let's get started then! We'll begin after the drill, when almost everyone is starting to adjust to life in Ba Sing Se. Put up your threads, peeps!
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