Sep. 14th, 2010 @ 10:10 pm Jumping the gun!
Hi everyone!

This is probably premature since the game probably won't open for a while yet, but I figured I'd introduce myself anyway. I'm Emily! I've been RPing on IJ for a little over a year now, but this is my first fandom community. I always swore I'd never play fandom, but I love Avatar, and I think it'll be really fun playing here.

I'm bringing my interpretation of Azula to the comm. Everyone knows the show, so everyone already knows that she is a cruel, crazy bitch. I would be especially interested to plot with the eventual Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee and Iroh, but if I'm up for plot with anyone, as long as we can make it work! My email address is and my AIM is rememberedorison. I've also got a dropbox all set up in my journal. I might be online at weird times during the day because I'm curreently studying in France, but I'm good about responding to emails fairly quickly!

Can't wait to play with all of you!

~ Emily
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