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[23 Jul 2009|12:30am]

Dear all,

I bring for you a one-off, end of realtime RR offer. I am not gonna email alert people to this, consider it an easter egg for checking in on the boards.

So! Some of you might have chars whose significant others or close friends etc. are, thanks to Tampa, not going to die. You/the player playing their partner may be sadfaced that they're going to have to live without each other, whether because one's a god who's going to choose life (btw, if people could let me know if their char knows who's going to choose to die at their appointed time and who's chosing immortality that'd be great) or because they're one of the unkillable lot. I know I do.

Well. Now's your chance to opt in but you may do this only with ONE character. You can opt in to make them unkillable by replying to this and I pretty much guarentee all chars on this list come Saturday evening have got that shiny. If you think they'd make a good God please propose a domain for them that we don't already have in play and I'll see if I can justify it to Tampa (I'll try real hard, but no solid promises). If you have a second char you'd really like to toss into the mix let me know (and let me know who your first choice is) and I'll give it serious consideration.

All comments to this post are screened so it'll be a surprise on Monday when the list is revealed.

The cut off for replies to this is Saturday night, 11.59pm EST. Lol.

With love,
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[21 Jul 2009|05:56pm]

Will be gone a couple days this week and the end of next. Schedule here. Hopefully will catch people in the in betweens, though if I haven't finished my preproduction work by Sunday night/early Monday someone please smack me senseless.

Much love.

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[16 Jul 2009|06:43pm]

Dear all,

One final shake of the tree to add in for all of you, and to kind of give Tampa what it wants.

On Friday, when the military invades Tampa? Tampa will be sort-of invading the rest of the East coast. From Friday onwards (so past the end of game) the rest of the east side of the country (see map on this post for specifics) will be minorly affected by them. As Friday's theme is invasion the rest of the country will on that day become minorly under Tampa's influence, while Tampa suffers a hardcore invasion. On the 27th, when Tampa's having happy ending type things happen, people on the rest of the East Coast will just generally have luckier days. That Tampa's influence has expanded will not be majorly obvious though there will be graffiti in all the key East Coast cities along the lines of 'I believe in Tampa', 'The Gods Are Coming' etc.

The Gods will likely realise that things have changed first because their powers, while very muted, will be active on the 17th. As soon as its the eighteenth their powers are gonna go crazy badass. While inside Tampa from then on anything that could reasonably considered within their domain they can influence/do. Hank might be able to very rapidly and efficiently heal by touching a patient (though he'd wipe himself out with exhaustion if he tried to save everyone brought into ER), or Lana might be able to get information about an object just by touching it. This is at the player playing them's discretion but within reason. Like I said, Hank would tire out if he went around healing everyone, Lana'd fry her brain if she read every object. Powers aren't effortless, they are like muscles to exercise. Even at peak fitness you're expending energy.

The Gods will, outside of Tampa, have muted versions of their original three powers. Lana will be able to intercept messages like she could in Tampa but it will take her more effort etc. The Gods will also be able to teleport to any part of the area shaded red on the link above.

They will still not be able to teleport on sevens. From now on inside Tampa powers are muted but not removed on sevens, outside of Tampa they're gone on sevens. The Gods will intuitively know that this has happened as soon as it's the eighteenth - they will wake up immediately if sleeping and know it. Their breathing, just for a minute, will be labored, their skin will be cold and clammy and while they'll visibly be concious anyone close enough to notice won't feel a pulse. Just for the first sixty seconds of the eighteenth. No exceptions - if your pup's getting laid at the time things are gonna get awkward fast. The moment the second seconds are up they're entirely back to normal.

From now on they will also know that at some point in life they will have to conciously choose one of two options - whether they accept godhood all the way or they'd rather just have a lifetime and then pass on. If they accept it then it will be assumed they could live for millenia, so long as people believe in them, and will stop aging at the end of what should have been their natural life. In this instance, once they've passed the end of their natural life, they would be able to appear any age between the age they were when they were deified and the age they should have passed on.

If they don't want to outlive everyone they've ever known and loved they can choose to make their powers 'hereditary', and will know that when they die one of their children or relatives (for preference, if none are suitable the best fit 'Tampa' can find) will have to take on the responsibilities they have had. This decision does not have to be made by any deadline - they will just, at some point in their natural lifetime, have to make a deliberate choice one way or the other.

Opting out of godhood entirely is not an option they are being given. Even Gods who choose the immortality option can be killed in some circumstances (see here again). Any God who leaves the area the Gods have sway on (now the Eastern seaboard, slowly advancing over the years until by probably 2015 Tampa's got some sway over all of the lower 48, maybe bits of South Am too) will feel very, very homesick if they stay away for a prolonged period. You can assume that the further into the future you get the more of the US the pantheon now covers, with Tampa's 'limits' getting steadily wider so that Florida, then its neighbours, have whacky sevens. The sevens will grow more benign the more people come ot believe they're not a gimmick, tourist trick or bs but actual magic.

Also, gonna link this again: This, right here, because the shared powers part of the post has been altered to reflect this power expansion and to explain a little about what'll kill a God.

All this is a lot late in the game but it's also the proper 'end' of the game - this entire time Tampa has been the focus of what little of the old religions belief/magic was left in the world, and it's been stomping it's feet to get attention because the more people who believe in it the more powerful it is, and this last couple centuries people have been turning to science more and more. Magic couldn't have that. It established a pantheon and now it's spreading it's wings.

Which is good news for Tampa - after July 27th 2009 the really bad sevens will stop happening, though all sevens will be marked by something.

That's a lot to take in, and I swear I've missed something, but please rep with any questions/comments/etc.

The Mods
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[15 Jul 2009|03:49pm]


It's that time of year again! I'll be leaving July 25 for vacation, gone through Aug. 8, most likely. Internet no, phone for texting and emergencies, yes.
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[12 Jul 2009|02:33pm]

Heya--unexpected company this week. I won't be available on aim until either Wednesday night or Thursday morning depending on how long it takes to paint a basement. Will check email. bbs.


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Thirty-One Days Left [01 Jul 2009|12:48am]

It is July. I have been typing this entry since it was June but, nonetheless, July. Lol.

Anyway as promised you get all of July's plots together so people can pre-plan arcs and such. I've already had a think about some of mine and will be mailing some of you shortly about them.

If you plan anything major enough that it wouldn't go unnoticed by the community at large please reply to this post with what it is and when it's planned for. I will make a timeline here for the reference of others. This has potential to be a very busy month plot-wise and this'll help everyone keep up with what's happening when.

So without further ado.

July 7th

Two plots to kick it all off with. Firstly, without exception, your character loses their past life the moment it becomes July 7. They'll remembering being them, they'll remember what life was like and details only their past life could know but they won't actually be them any more. They will no longer recognise people from their myth as people people from their myth, though they'll remember who the members of their myth were. This will remain in place until July 27th.

Secondly the drahmuh will begin. Many, though it doesn't have to be all, chars will think that they've had one of their worst fears realised on this day. If the thought of losing their job terrifies them - well they'll lose it...only they won't. What will basically happen is, very briefly, they'll slip aside into an AU exactly like regular Tampa except that this one bad thing will happen. So, for example, Cameron might open his office door and without realising slip into his AU. Once inside his boss will join him, tell him some xyz reason as to why he's now surplus to requirements and can him. Cameron's boss leaves the office, the AU ends, Cameron fails to realise he was ever in one. Cameron will from that point believe he's unemployed, stop showing up to work (which will confuse his real boss who still considers him an employee) etc. The Bad Thing will last only moments and your char might continue to believe it for the rest of their lives, unless they discover it's not true. So Cameron might get a call from his boss next morning asking where the frigg he is and realise his firing was a seven thing, or his continued absence might actually get him sacked in absentia.

You may combo up on worst fears. For example Sam might go to an AU where he catches Chris cheating and walk out on him, going to stay with Elliot. Meanwhile Chris might go to an AU where Sam leaves him for a 'normal' marriage. Sam would go on thinking Chris is a cheating SOB and Chris thinking Sam had left him until someone or something realised they'd been fucked with.

July 17th

Get ready to rumble because Tampa's under attack. Tanks will roll into town and low flying military craft will circle over head, armed soliders are on every street corner and there are visible patrols. News stations and papers will announce the declaration of a war on Tampa by American and UN forces who've had enough of all this mystical shit.

People on the base will have heard nothing about it (because it's a fake war, naturally, with fake soldiers) but the war will be real enough. You may get rounded up and questioned, will get shot at if you step out of line (though wounds will heal over the course of a few hours no matter how bad). It will be known that they're mystical Tampa nutso and not real but they won't disappear when the 17th does. They will have 'bases' near the actual base, near the space needle, near the beach on the Western side and up in the green belt part of the city to the North. They disappear once all those bases are good and destroyed. Co-operation between reincarnates is probably a good idea.

Time to whip out those special gifts you've all been packing. Don't you wish Destruction didn't leave?

July 27th

Last seven ever! If the citizens haven't manage to blitz the bases by now they'll blow themselves up once the 27th rolls around, all past lives will return to their hosts (unless the host has cut town in the meantime, which you can do if you want to write a char out).

And, in a mirror of July 7th, happy fun things will happen. Wizard just might work out the last problem in designing his flying car, any relationships/careers injured by the 7th may get fixed if you want. People from their past life they've been missing may show up (you can puppet these people or have another player do it for you, no need to claim for obvious reasons). If there's a physical feature or a personality trait they dislike about themselves it may change, they may get offered the job of a lifetime or win enough money to take the round the world trip they always wanted.

This is, essentially, a Happy Endings plot. While officially the boards will be open for post-game time play until September I am well aware there might not be too much of that going on so this plot is a chance, if you want to use it, to give your char all the things they've always wanted.

I hope that all makes sense.

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[17 Jun 2009|05:45pm]

Dear all,

Today's seven is kind of wicked, if you choose to let it be.

The theme here is: The question you always wanted to ask but haven't. Try to think of one thing each char has held back from asking and then spring it on someone. Maybe it's something simple like, "Would you like to have dinner some time?" or more personal like, "Will you marry me?"

It might even be ridiculous, but pick one thing a char really, really wants to know and then spring it on someone. Where the subject is particularly sensitive you might wanna warn the other player first and give them veto power.

This is kind of a foundation stone for some of what you'll see in July, when verily the fit shall hit the shan. I know things have been a little quiet as we prepare to wind down but there's now only about six weeks of normal time game play left, so! Now's the time to start wrapping up your bundles.

FYI: Unless a char of mine is actively in play you may spring anything you want on any of them and I will roll with it. If they're actively in play mail me and I'll arrange to put them somewhere for you when they're current thread is done.

With love,
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[04 Jun 2009|11:20pm]

Will be gone from tomorrow -monday. Attacking Kari before she can escape to the other coast. See y'all Tuesday.

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[14 May 2009|09:28pm]

FYI! Am going to be AWOL for most of weekend (Fri. afternoon-Sun early afternoon) for SCA event.

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[17 Apr 2009|01:05am]

For tomorrow's seven:

All windows in the city are made of stained glass. They can be random patterns, pretty pictures or 'scenes' from your character's canons, anything that would be more to their taste. Someone who hates pink won't have a pink window, for example.

That's it, honest. Just stained glass windows.

I'm not always a bitch.


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[07 Apr 2009|11:51am]

Another transformative one! Today all people become chocolate figurines, a la chocolate santas and easter bunnies. Facial features etc. are made of icing and stuck on sweets. Clothes were drawn on with an icing pen or moulded on.

You'll be able to move as a normal person and everything other than the people will be as normal but you will be made of chocolate.

Because, y'know, Easter's coming.


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[04 Apr 2009|11:36am]

Hey all!

I'm going to be a bit scarce over the next week since we're going to Japan. I'm not sure about the internet situation so I thought I'd drop a note beforehand just in case. Hopefully I'll have net connection in most places and will therefore be able to be online when I'm in my room. But I can't be sure!

See you all next week!
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Ick! I'm Ill! [03 Apr 2009|11:16am]

I've had some illness issues and I haven't been able to post? But I'm starting to get back on my feet. It'll take me a few days, but I'm catching up as we speak!
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[01 Apr 2009|09:05pm]

People on the East Coast:

Ghosthunters, which started at 9, is in Tampa tonight. They're currently investigating the Cuban Club in Ybor City.
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[31 Mar 2009|01:11pm]

Dear all,

I have just added the Major/Minor character list to the mod journal, and it will be updated on April 16th, which is a Thursday. All replies to this post will need to be recieved by midnight EST on Wednsday, April 15th. Any characters not listed by that time I will automatically assume have been dropped and I will update all admin posts accordingly, this is why I've giving more than two weeks for people to work everything out and ask any questions they need to.

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but this will be a big enough job as it is that, ultimately, is meant to make everyone's RPing life here on RR easier. I don't mind doing the work but I want it done in one swoop, rather than having to keep editing and editing after (except where new charries are introduced, obviously). This should (in theory) only take you a few minutes to do, though if you have a little more time to spare if you could check the other admin posts and make sure they are up to date I would much appreciate it, reply to the relevant posts if something needs changing.

You can find the Major/Minor post here.

With love,
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[29 Mar 2009|08:55pm]

Dear all,

Quick PSA. Following Logan's death, as per their third persons, Tampa has chosen an angel and a devil to split his position for the timebeing, or Justice and Cross as you better know them (Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens). They are aware they're intended as temporary gap fillers and if at some point in the future a new player (we have reason to suspect we're getting at least one) arrives with a candidate who suits the position they will be swapped out, this was to prevent giving any player two gods, given it wouldn't be fair on everyone else.

Of course it temporarily gives two players two gods but Justice and Cross aren't quite as strong as the others. While they share the common powers of the pantheon they have to share their office space and put up with the tastes of each other there, they also only have one each of Logan's powers, sharing the third and only able to use it when they're in each other's company.

With mwahs,
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[27 Mar 2009|04:58pm]

Aloha, quick PSA about my availability this's going to be kind of messy. I graduate in (ohdeargod) 6 weeks and the culmination of my projects are due at the end of April. Unfortunately, they aren't research papers, there's just a crapload of creative projects that I can't predict when or how I'll finish. That being said, agh. Um. If I accomplish SOMETHING dagnabit I'll likely turn to the internet for release. If I continue to be creatively blocked, expect me to exist more in May. My plans after graduation mainly begin with: Sit inside my house and recover.

So. Yes. Month of April = Lind not functioning very well.

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[26 Mar 2009|04:19am]

March 27th - Cave Tampa )
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[24 Mar 2009|03:14pm]

Sorry, had a crap week so fiancee stole me for the weekend. Am back now with computer and yes! Hit me if you need anything from any of mine!
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Incoming! [18 Mar 2009|08:44pm]

Hi all! This is Karen and this is Blythe who used to be Hermione Granger but doesn't realize that yet. She's just coming back from time studying abroad and will be attending Tampa Univ. She's a sophomore duel majoring in international politics and economics (and minoring in communication). She's also a part-time model for her mother's vintage-inspired clothing line.

She'll be on the button, but you can friend her here.
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