Out of Character Community - December 20th, 2007

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December 20th, 2007

04:10 pm - Thank you to our kind, understanding players!
You guys were really patient and good-natured about our up and moving. We appreciate that. It was pretty daunting at first. I was like, "A bunch of work and no game play for a week? Wah! Just when Snape and Sappho are getting chummy..." But it turned out to be quicker and easier than we thought and now I'm a happy camper! (Especially now that I can keep all the icons I worked so hard to make.) Though I think Dovie deserves extra thanks. She did all the big, complicated stuff that I couldn't even fathom. I was just doing the minor, repetitive things like creating journals, uploading icons, adding people to communities, emails, and all the right-clicking/ non-html stuff. Because that I understand. I couldn't follow the re-posting process at all. *hugs Dovie*
Current Mood: [mood icon] bouncy

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