The Urvivalsay OOC Com's Journal
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Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

    Time Event
    The Rules
    1: The basics. We all know them. That whole golden rule thingy we get taught in school. Treat people how you'd like to be treated. In other words, be polite, don't talk about people behind their backs, and basically keep being an asshole down to a low roar.

    2: IC is IC, OOC is OOC. There is a line. Learn it, love it. Don't cross it. This is another of those basics. You should -all- know this one by now. If not, considered yourself thumped by a virtual newspaper. IC shouldn't affect OOC, OOC shouldn't affect IC.

    3: This is the invisible rule.

    4: If you have a question, ask. Complaints should be directed to a mod. Be them about a player, something in game, a mod, please don't hesitate to message one of us. We can't fix something we don't know is wrong. Yes, yes, we know, it's another of those basic rules things.

    5: Enjoy. Not the wanker/flamer way, but try to have fun. We're all here to play a game and enjoy ourselves.
    This is going to be very easy. You are going to apply by replying to this post with the following information filled out. We'll reply to your post, with either an approval, a disapproval, or a request for more information. If it's the last two, all we ask is if you are upset over it, contact us, don't flame the journal post.

    Make sure to read the the rules, current taken/held list, and world/game info posts before applying.

    Subject: Application-(character name)

    Your Name:
    Journal/Email(someway of contacting you):
    Character Name/Fandom:
    Background(history, personality. Try to keep them as close to canon as you can with this world. At least a paragraph):
    Physical Description(include age):
    RP Example(3rd person. At least a paragraph):
    Holds last for a week. If you want to hold a character, reply to this post with Hold-(character name/fandom) in the subject.




    Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

    Final Fantasy VII
    Sephiroth Crescent-[info]gen_sephiroth(Teacher)

    Fruits Basket
    Tohru Honda-[info]miss_honda(Freshman)

    Kingdom Hearts

    Phillipe Gaston-[info]phillipegaston(Freshman)

    Trinity Blood
    Father Abel Nightroad-[info]crusnik02(Freshman)
    World/Game Info

    Thirty years ago, zombies invaded. Nobody knows where they came from, or why they are there. All people know is that if you die, you come back, and you want to munch on other people.

    Most of the world was destroyed, but in most places, the government managed to keep a bit of control. One of these is the United States.

    Still, most humans that remained pulled back into barricaded town. These towns range from 2000 people and down, the small towns surviving the apocalypse the best. In order to keep a cohesive country, the government made centralized high schools, boarding schools, so that for at least four grades, children would learn the same thing.

    There are rumors of children being experimented on, but nobody believes them. There are a few tests going on, however. Not on all children, and not all of them are successful. But the government is trying to keep their people alive, and make humans tougher, faster, and more able to survive the zombie plague.

    In the schools, the children are taught the basics. Math, English, History, Marksmanship. All vital skills in today's world.

    Somehow, small intrawebs and such still survive, rebuilt, and the kids have access to this connection, even if the old internet is gone.

    These are the kids who grew up in a world of zombies. They've seen the walking dead feasting on flesh and know that, someday, they too will join them unless they are one of the lucky ones.

    They all are learning to be the lucky ones. They are the ones who will help keep the human race alive. And so, they are taught.


    The zombies are a bit different than most. For instance, a zombie bite isn't a automatic death sentence. However, they are a virtual promise of infection. A zombie's mouth is full of decay and infection, and all that is forced into a bite wound.

    If someone does die, they will become a zombie in 72 hours if the body isn't burned. Even if the brains are destroyed, whatever is causing the resurrection will simply repair the damage and the dead will rise. In towns, all bodies are burned. Outside of towns...well, you'd better hope someone is willing to stick around to put a bullet in your brain after you come back.

    After a resurrection, brain destruction will destroy the zombie.

    Oddball notes

    People fall into two categories. Townies and roamers. Townies are those who pulled back and lived behind barricades, people inside venturing out to other, abandoned towns, and scavenging what they needed, and are currently doing high risk growing of food.

    Roamers are those who decided to live outside, moving from place to place and keeping one step a head of those who would eat them. They tend to be involved in trade, and get a great deal of barter from towns in exchange for things they can't provide for themselves.

    Townie and Roamer are considered slightly derogatory words, used by one to describe the other.

    As for gender roles, they don't so much exist here. And while homosexuality isn't encouraged, it isn't discouraged either. Most people partner up by the end of high school, and anyone who can't have children themselves do their part by taking care of the inevitable orphans in the world. Even those partnered with someone of the same gender are expected to have a child or two, usually with someone who is in a similar situation.


    First off, this game is going to be in real time. Which means that you post at nine pm on October 29th, it's nine pm, 10/29 in game. Please make a note so people know what time it is.

    If you happen to be in two places at once. Oops, plothole. Pretend you don't see it and it's not really there. We're here to have fun, not nitpick over an accident.

    Logs are done in 3rd person. If you want to use your journal as a journal/phone/whatever, feel free to make it in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. Just make a note of it in the post.

    Students and teachers all have computers. They work. Most have phones. They also work. Feel free to use personal journals for such things. If they are only to one specific person, make sure to label that in the post subject so people know.

    Don't -lock- anything. Even if it's just between two characters. Half the fun is watching the interaction. That includes journals. If someone is taking ooc knowledge and using ic, let a mod know and we'll deal with it.

    Don't godmod.

    This is important. Application/character app info!!!!

    In order to spread out fandoms and hopefully keep our genders semi-balanced, we have an odd system here.

    You have to alternate genders while applying. If your first character is male, your second has to be female. We are willing to make exceptions, but you have better have a good case, and have someone willing to make up the gender situation.

    If you have three characters, two males, one female/two females, one male, and you drop the odd one out, you cannot play your newest of the other two. If you have Zack, Sakura, and Matt, and you drop Sakura, you cannot play Matt until you have another female character. This is to keep people from trying to get around the gender rule.

    If you have a character who you never use, and you don't play with them, you will lose them and it has the same effect.

    Also, we are only allowing one character per fandom per month. If you apply for Misa, you have to wait a month before applying for L. This is to keep one or two people from getting -everyone- from a certain fandom.

    You can start with three characters.


    This is a pan fandom game, so you'll need to do a bit of tweaking characterwise. Mostly due to the fact that this is an High School AU RP. Most of the characters are going to fall into two ranges.

    14/15: The Freshmen

    16/17: The Juniors

    A few will fall into the 20+ category, but they will be teachers and need mod permission.

    When you pick, think about what you can play, and make an age selection. If you want to be a teacher, you have to have at least two student characters. Contact a mod for details and permission to make one.

    If you read this, put *** in your app before you fill out the application.
    1: What about powers?

    You don't have any to start with. You are all normal teens. However, there is a potential for the government to cause something to happen. We'll find out later.

    2: How often do I need to post?

    We'll do regular activity checks, and you'll need to provide links to show you've been posting, hopefully, once a week to some thread or another.

    3: OCs allowed?

    Yep. It has to be a well written application, but if you can work it in and make it fit, we're willing to allow it. Like all other characters, if you start having issues, we'll pull you aside.

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