Hero Complex OOC's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Hero Complex OOC's InsaneJournal:

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    Wednesday, April 30th, 2008
    9:57 am
    I've been MIA for a bit, I know, and I hate to do this but I think I'm going to have to retire both Michael and Ellie. I might come back in a bit and reinstate them.. resubmit their applications and what have you, but for the time being I just can't find the muse for either of them.

    My apologies for having been missing in action also. My computer broke a few weeks ago and I've been without computer for the most part or busy!
    Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008
    5:06 pm
    Guys. D: I don't want to do this, but this particular muse just isn't working out for me right now, so I'm going to retire Jack. I'll make sure to remove him from the comms and everything for the mods.
    Sunday, April 20th, 2008
    7:04 pm
    Hey guys, I'm sorry to be obnoxious like this but I'm not really feeling Alex since the whole IJ outage, and without the person I was joining with to be his brother, I just don't think I have the desire to play him. :(

    I'm sorry if any of you were excited to play with him, but I'm going to pull him from here.
    Saturday, April 19th, 2008
    10:55 am
    Due to health issues, I'm putting Jason on hiatus until I get the problem sorted out. I'm sorry, I hope this gets fixed soon.
    Thursday, April 17th, 2008
    5:34 pm
    Hey guys, sorry for sucking lately. I've been sick and kind of wanting to die. x.x

    Despite the fact that I'm still sick, I'm going to be trying to hop back onto my tags, etc. Maybe a bit slow, but still.

    Anyhow, if I respond to something, and you think I took too long on it and are no longer interested in it, please say so and we can drop it if you'd like.



    Wynn, Prescott
    Sunday, April 13th, 2008
    4:08 pm
    Friends add everyone!

    Sorry it took so long, school hates me.

    Wednesday, April 9th, 2008
    8:46 pm
    Homg! EyeJay has been kind of a jerk to me over the last few days, so this is the first opportunity I'm getting to really say hi to you fine people. So, hi! I'm Nikki, I'm a few days new, but I've been watching. Sort of.

    I bring you Paz Rodriguez, whose ability is luck. Which is lucky. Ha. Paz doesn't really know he can control luck, though, he just knows that events around him seem to coincide with his mood and outlook. I'm sure he'll figure it out someday. Maybe. He is originally from Mexico (mmm, Gael) but his English isn't bad. He's kind of quiet-friendly, and he's living in D111 (easy to remember!), so please do stop by for a chat or a Corona. And if you want to work the Casino floors, he's the guy to take!

    My AIM name is 'savory snacks' for plotting or geeking out or what-have-you. Glad to be here :).
    7:33 pm
    [quick note]
    I was reading on the front page about how eyejay's main bandwidth thingiebob went kaput for the rest of the billing month, and some people may have issues with the site running slow until the next billing cycle. Which is next week, I think.

    In any case, I'm catch the full-on brunt of this whole slowness thing with eyejay, oh my Christmas morning, so until next week sometime, I'm gonna be very sluggish if we tag during the day. Later at night it seems to even out, but most people don't stay up until three in the morning all the time. XD

    Funny, I come here to type up this post and loading pages doesn't take fifteen tries. ::facepalms::
    Monday, April 7th, 2008
    2:09 pm
    Friends Add, everyone!

    Also, I've updated the tagging list. So everyone should have a tag of their characters first and last name for easier thread finding!


    Sunday, April 6th, 2008
    9:48 pm
    Availability Notice:
    Hi all,
    I know I've been scarce most of last week, I'll spare you the TMI details, but RL stuff > RP. Looking at my schedule for the upcoming week I won't be available to RP much at all until Thursday at the earliest. I'll try to tag the incomplete threads Jason is involved when I've got a free moment, but if you'd like to FtB and move on that is fine with me. ♥

    Current Mood: tired
    Saturday, April 5th, 2008
    12:09 am
    it goes to eleven.
    Hiiiii! Not to deluge you all with new faces, but I'm Brix, and I'm bringing in Shane Cavanaugh. She's 27, freshly transplanted from LA, and a budding psychologist. She cannot hook you up with the good drugs, but feel free to ask. Her power is sleep, so she specializes in dream analysis and hypnosis, but she's pretty quiet about using her powers on people.

    Also, she's Irish. And yes, she yells at rugby, and yes, she definitely has a temper when she's angry, but she's mostly very sweet and friendly and looking forward to meeting all you lovely people. She's living in C209, if anyone wants to stop by and say hello or ask for sugar. Also, be warned: she is Gus O'Kearney's ex, so try not to be standing between them if they're in the same room together. Innocent bystanders will not be spared.

    You can reach me for plotting or random harassing at opaque brixton.
    Friday, April 4th, 2008
    11:56 am
    Fresh meat >_> I mean, new player
    Now that I'm actually awake, I thought it was high time I went ahead and did a little introduction for myself and my lady. I'm brand new to the game; my name is Lyn. You can all blame Glee for my being here *sage nod* I'm 22, and have no life. Well, sort of. I'll go ahead and warn everyone, though - I'm a 3rd year music student, so I might be slightly scarce for the next few weeks or so, or just really slow in responding. I'm a classic case of a procrastinator, so I'm cramming everything into the last few weeks of the semester, when it comes to recitals and projects and juries, because I FAIL when it comes to organizing XD

    ANYWAY. Now that I've probably lost half of you due to my ramblings, I'll introduce my single character, Lucy Sullivan.

    She's 25 and from a hole-in-the-wall town in Mississippi. She's extremely hyper and likes to pounce strangers as a way of saying hi. Well, really, she likes to pounce anyone, because she likes making friends XD She has the power of electricity, so she's gone through most of her teenage and adult life joking about gremlins following her around, because she tends to short out electronic devices if she gets too close to them.

    She's brand new to my head and to the game, and friends, acquaintances, sls, all would be quite welcome :D

    I'm pretty easily reachable on AIM at either empathic destiny or opposite of east. And on Gmail Talk at without.a.script@gmail.com (which is also my email)

    So, yes, that's pretty much everything I can think of to ramble about, so, bye!
    8:45 am
    Oh wow! Hi! I'm new here. My name is Brynn, it's lovely to be here and meet you guys.

    I figure I'll just jump in and introduce my character. This is Jacob, he's a secretary administrative assistant at a psychiatrist's office in Las Vegas. He's sort of an awkward dork, but he's nice and funny if you get past the initial "wow, does this guy know that he's committing seven fashion felonies here?" and the awkwardness. His power involves controlling pheromones, both his own and the people around him, which is quite possibly the only reason he ever has any, uh, romantic luck.

    Apart from all that, he's very morally ambiguous and is fairly easily manipulated. He does like to show off a little bit, in hopes of impressing someone.

    Yeah! So, that's him, and I'm me, and it's good to be here, and I'm going to do his icons and journal layout after classes today so it won't be ugly forever, I promise.

    In the meantime, my AIM is brynnpants if anyone would like to get in touch with me. Please be patient if I don't answer at first, as I have a tendency to wander away from the computer without an away message.
    Thursday, April 3rd, 2008
    7:57 pm
    Okay, Kasey(Liv) back with another character (because I have no self control).

    Meet Amy Rose, she's twenty-four and owns a small flower shop on the strip called "Eden's Garden". She's nice but she most likely won't approach you unless you make the first move. You can usually find her around The Complex either walking her dog or singing to the flowers. She lives in A - A202 with her brother Ryan and her cat named Clover, her dog named Onyx, and her cobra named Gabe, who happens to be her best non-human friend.

    So, friends, crushes, enemies, whatever?
    8:40 pm
    Hi everyone! Name's Jennifer, and the character I've brought to play is Selena Davison. She's a fire elemental, and a bit repressed because of it as she doesn't want to hurt anyone accidentally. (On purpose is another matter and has yet, thankfully, to come up.) Something of a conflicted introvert - she's personally isolated, and yet she seems to seek out jobs that have her dealing with a multitude of people. She's also a polymath, and was nearly a perpetual student until she ran out of money. More info about her in the bio post in [info]torchygirl.

    I'm always up for anything, and Selena could do with at least meeting the new neighbors. :D AIM is cassikat2240, or you can email me at cassikitlet@gmail.com if you want to set something up.
    2:19 pm
    Fair warning.
    Starting on Friday I'll be gone until probably Sunday or possibly even Monday, so anyone that has threads with my lovely characters (Michael and Ellie) I apologize for the delay in response that will occur. I'll make up for it!

    12:10 pm
    Hello everybody. Mia doesn't know what she's getting into and she's back with a new character.

    This time, it's Shoji Takahashi, Mai's little brother. He loves pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, and in Japan he runs a talent agency that he's now decided to turn international. Hence an excuse to come to the States. His power is that of generating pleasure in others and he is, much like his sister, completely unaware of it. I leave at the discretion of the players how much they want their characters affected at any one point--because otherwise, hello godmodding.

    ICly, he doesn't know how long he'll be staying or what he'll be doing at Sahara Glen. OOCly, I'd love for him to meet some of Mai's neighbors. He's not exactly overprotective, but he is trying to decipher what exactly has brought her to the complex. He's still getting used to how much his sister has changed since he last saw her ten years ago. His Japanese heritage is still quite prominent in him and I'd love to bring him out of the safe cocoon of his comfort zone. Friends, foes and stiff drinks, all welcome.
    3:54 am
    FRIENDS ADD everyone. We just got a metric crap load of more characters. :)
    Tuesday, April 1st, 2008
    8:19 pm
    So, this is kind of a notice and an apology. Just in case.

    Anyway, school and work have both decided to gang up on me at this moment in time and thus for the next few weeks if I'm a bit scarce around the first few days of the week- Sunday and Monday- and Thursday, sometimes Friday, I apologise profusely. There was kind of a crisis in work which has me working more hours than I originally did and, well, starting back to classes after a short break is always a bit of a shock to the system not to mention the courses I'm taking. Okay. Stopping with the whole "look at my workload, wah!" whinge.

    So, yes. If I'm scarce or not on at all I beg forgiveness. I promise I'll keep up with everything and all.

    Also, hi to new peeps (because I'm too lazy to go back to other posts and reply), I'm Ruth *waves*. It's nice to meet y'all.

    Current Music: "On A Freezing Chicago Street"- Margot and the Nuclear So and Sos
    Sunday, March 30th, 2008
    3:11 am
    I totally spelled my own AIM name wrong in my intro post. It's CHAROLASTRAGAEL. One letter off. D: I just thought I would say!
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