Monday, August 8th, 2011

Hello! I'm M, and I've brought in Jade Harris, morning anchor. I'm sure your character will likely have met her -- she's far too friendly for her own good. I invite you to check out her bio and to take a glimpse at my 'wanted lines' post, I'm just now going to check on all of yours! Looking forward to chatting/writing with all of you.
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Saturday, August 6th, 2011


This is Nicky with my second character, Adam Goodwin. He's an intern (nights) with aspirations of being a writer (and his dream will come true, as I'm planning on having him promoted at the end of his internship!) He's been around since about June I'd imagine with the way internships work, so a bit of a newbie. He's a super hard worker, so will probably see the AM staff a lot as well. He's a brilliant writer, but lacks confidence in himself - he's all talk, comes across as kind of arrogant and defensive, but he's actually pretty shy, polite and reserved.

He's also a gambling addict and a (very amateur) conman - he's got some basic knowledge of cheating with small groups, although he'd never take on a casino or anything like that. He can be found in dodgy bars as well as the big casinos. He also enjoys songwriting, and can be found busking for a few extra coins now and then. He's absolutely beyond poor - he's living mostly on welfare, and in section 8 housing, so if anyone wants to treat him to a cup of coffee or a hot meal now and then, it'd be greatly appreciated!

I could ramble on about him all day, but the rest is in his journal! Plot is most welcome, as are random threads!
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Friday, August 5th, 2011

Hi everyone this is Charlie Hart... well it's a little more complicated than that. Really she's Alice Peck.... but you should read her bio. Basically she's a child of a con-artist and she's doing what she can to be legit. She's been Charlie for 8 years now, Alice is some person she's never really been. Anyways she's a writer for the night. She's just starting out and a recent transfer from Kansas City just a few months ago. Over all she's a sweet and friendly girl. She's doing everything she can to stay out of trouble but she always seems to find it (and thankfully slip out of it's grasp relatively unscathed).

I'd love some friendly like SL's with people!
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Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Hello peeps, I am Keith and I play Brian Ross an investigative reporter for Evening/ Night shows. Brian has a take-no-prisoners attitude, he is down-to-earth , honest, and hard working. He is from Texas but spent time in FL before moving to Chicago. He loves his job and it is his life so far. He is one of Lena ex's and the father of Noah. He loves his son and in some ways still loves Lena(he wont admit that.) However he wont change his lifestyle to suit the needs of his son.He do support Noah and spend time with him when he can but with all of the major events happening in the state, and country he doesn't want to miss out on a big story. You can read more about him in his profile, I am looking forward to playing with all of you. My AC went out at my house so I am staying with my GF who is not a RPer or even approve of it yea that's why I have not been around that much. But I will be home tonight and the rest of the week. I have a contact post on my journal so feel free to contact me there or my AIM name SideBarRoss.
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Monday, July 18th, 2011

Right! You've all put me to shame by making me the last to post my intro! ;)

I'm Nicky, the other modly one, and I'm here bringing an old favourite back to life! I've been RP-ing since... the chamber of secrets movie came out. (Yes, there was a connection!) Harry Potter, fandom, a few PB games... but found the lack of actual threading in most PB-games very disheartening - hence, creating our own! Just back after a year-long RP break, and raring to go with our new game! Wheeee!

So, this little bubble of energy is Brendan Carlisle, PM reporter. He's ADHD, super perky, super friendly... but often says highly inappropriate things at highly inappropriate times, and I think he's one of these guys people either love or hate. He can be quite annoying, granted, but it's what makes him a great reporter. He gets in people's faces and speaks his mind. I think he's gonna get punched one day.

Anyway! He's been hurt in the past, but he's just started dating our very own [info]katestone, which should be interesting. I still need to put up an SL page for other lines, because I'm lazy. But I'll keep you all posted, I'm sure you're on the edge of your seats in anticipation ;)

Roll on Wednesday, and hopefully a couple more kids to play with, too!
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Sunday, July 17th, 2011


Hi everyone! I'm Miki and excited to be playing here (even if IJ conspires against me)! I've been playing PSLs via forum, AIM, and E-mail for something like 6 years, but this game will be my first game on a journal-based platform playing with more than one person, so it will be a learning experience. This place just seemed too fun and I couldn't resist! In my spare time, I love reading, movies, and music of all kinds.

Character-wise I bring you Dr. Alan Ridley ([info]draridley), the medical health consultant guy who is the illegitimate son of a cosmetic surgeon and a librarian. He's an odd little ball of cynicism that used to be a doctor until he figured that he was too tired of signing death certificates for children in a New York hospital. He moved to Chicago and started writing a health column until his boss introduced him to television, hoping to help him reach a wider audience. He's been at NBC Chicago for a little more than a year. Despite the fact that he's sort of morbid, he enjoys being around kids and he really, really likes cleaning. He also likes smoking, although he's always thinking of quitting. All that and more at his  bio. Also, the list of plots I have for him are right here, feel free to take a looksee. I'm also available most days on AIM as mik0migi.

Happy happy to meet you all!
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Hey everyone I'm Kelly. I've been rping since... well since my freshman year of college when facebook really was only for students. I started with good ol *sighs about feeling old* asterisk play and evolved to third person there. The first games I was in were town or city based. It wasn't till a fair bit later I started in some fandom games generally with Doctor Who roles. I've taken a fairly long hiatus from 2p (2 years removed from games) and 1 year removed from even PSL/email/aim private play. I'm happy to be back with some cool people (obviously you're one of those cool people if you're reading this) who are excited about developing their characters.

Lena here is fresh off the presses of my brain. She'll be approaching her 2 year anniversary at the station this August, however she says it doesn't count she she had maternity leave to have Noah. She really has been enjoying her time in Chicago and the respect she's gained there. Coming from working in Pittsburgh where the weather forecasting game is an 'old boys club' she was happy to be off weekends and out from behind a desk. Now she enjoys the regular evening shift allowing her to get up and spend the mornings with her kids as well as tuck them in at bedtime. Lena lived with her daughter Jenny who is 8, her son Noah who is 7 months and her mother Amelia who enjoys setting Lena up on blind dates with everyone from the grocery boy at the corner market to a hockey player she happens to bump into one day. Although Lena isn't against trying to find love she's been burned a few time and is currently 'not interested in seeing anyone while she still needs to be hooked to a milking machine (breast pump) for Noah.' As his first birthday approaches and he he will be able to have cows milk rather than breast or formula there will no doubt be a push for Lena to enter the field.

Over all Lena is a happy person who enjoys helping out with charity work around town as well as running a twitter the station set up for her. She generally tweets about the weather (obviously) and things people can do in the city in whatever kind of weather has rolled in. She happily answers most questions and recently achieved 'verification' for her 'celebrity' status which she finds to be a total laugh.

Feel free to reach me here, the drop box in Lena's journal or via aim KellyMcP. I would love to talk about SL's (a few ideas I have can be found in the journal) or something you think would be great! Wow this went long!
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Saturday, July 16th, 2011

Hello! I am Lindsay, and I will go first with the intros. I am also one of the two mods for the game. A little about me, first. I've been RPing for almost 10 years, mostly HP stuff over the years and more recently in Marvel games. I've played in OC games before, and that's where the concept of this game came from. We were looking for a game where we could write and develop characters as we went along. We're hoping that this thrives!

This girl here is Kate Stone and I've been playing Kate in several forms for years. Today, she's an almost thirty-year-old journalist and Chicago native. She's the daughter of a lawyer and she lost her mother when she was very young. She went to college and studied literature and political science. After a particularly heart breaking split from her college boyfriend, she headed off the Philadelphia to study journalism as a grad student at Temple University. Upon finishing school and an internship, she returned to Chicago to write for NBC Chicago. Editors encouraged her to do a screen test and she became the the morning traffic reporter, gaining a following on TV as well as the internet through Facebook and Twitter. Kate's been at the NBC Chicago for a little over three years.

There are some storylines that I'm looking to expand on in her journal, so any ideas are welcome! You can reach me best on AIM at Biz4Bubbles and my other contact info is in the player contact info page. Can't wait to start playing!
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