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Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

    Time Event
    Hello peeps, I am Keith and I play Brian Ross an investigative reporter for Evening/ Night shows. Brian has a take-no-prisoners attitude, he is down-to-earth , honest, and hard working. He is from Texas but spent time in FL before moving to Chicago. He loves his job and it is his life so far. He is one of Lena ex's and the father of Noah. He loves his son and in some ways still loves Lena(he wont admit that.) However he wont change his lifestyle to suit the needs of his son.He do support Noah and spend time with him when he can but with all of the major events happening in the state, and country he doesn't want to miss out on a big story. You can read more about him in his profile, I am looking forward to playing with all of you. My AC went out at my house so I am staying with my GF who is not a RPer or even approve of it yea that's why I have not been around that much. But I will be home tonight and the rest of the week. I have a contact post on my journal so feel free to contact me there or my AIM name SideBarRoss.

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