March 2011

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August 3rd, 2010

[info]littlenfierce in [info]ontd_mckinley

[private to self]

So what am I doing here, anyway? I've got Swarovski crystals up the yin-yang and no studio space. I'm getting itchy. I need to make a home.

And as sweet as Blake and company are, this isn't home. I find myself sketching and sketching and constantly working. If I don't have a Lil-space soon, I'm going to bury myself in Art the same way I did in Science, and that just won't do.

I think I'm going to take that warehouse in SoHo. The people who own the gallery on the first floor are interested in having a beginning artist living and having studio space upstairs and if I get Ricky to move in up above me, it might bring in even more traffic for the gallery.

I'm going to fly the proposal in front of them and see if it grabs them. Thank Mom and Dad for the capital to actually be able to do all of this. That and the grant I've been living off for the past seven years.

Time to get this party started!

(I do hope Ethan can get back here soon. I feel horrible about his family. I wish I could help.

I can't believe after all these years, his voice still does things to me.)


[private to Ricky]

Hey Ricky, were you serious about wanting to move in near me? The floor above me in that warehouse building is free. I'm going to float a proposal to the owners of the SoHo warehouse building/art gallery and see if they bite.

I've got my capital lined up, do you have any to contribute?
