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July 26th, 2010

[info]littlenfierce in [info]ontd_mckinley

LaGuardia Airport, New York City, Saturday [Lillian and Blake]

Customs was a bloody nightmare, and by the time she was out of it, Lillian was exhausted, near tears, and pissed off. Plus, she looked awful and felt worse. Her braids had to be nasty by now, but she could hardly comb through her impossibly long hair now. Finally, she emerged out of the gate, looking around for Blake...hopefully he was here, or else she wasn't sure what the heck she was going to do...

...she really wished she had other shoes. God, she needed to go shopping. But right now, she needed to get out of the crowd.

[info]giveshugs in [info]ontd_mckinley

Future!Sam, still babbling

Ah, I've finally found what I've been missing my whole life. I'd like to say I mean one of my boys (and in case Nate reads this, I of course mean the human one and not the furry one...) but I was actually talking about that irritable overabundance of energy that's plagued me all my life. Multiple school clubs, multiple jobs, multiple lovers, insane producers- all fun but apparently, all I needed was a day with my nephews and nieces and I'm zonked. Or maybe that's just old age showing itself.

In equally thrilling news - I have groupies! Of sorts. A posse of very cute, entirely legal girls waited at the stage door just for me and ignored Generic Hottie Of The Month Who Stole My Lead, or Ghom as I call him in my head (because Ghotmwsml is hard to pronounce). Not an original or interesting nickname, I know, but it's a work in progress. Feel free to throw any ideas my way.
Anyway, it was nice. Appreciation is always, well, appreciated. Funnily enough.