UES goes OOC
10 most recent entries

Date:2009-03-05 16:25

Hello! Thank god for this OOC comm. I don’t know how I’d get by otherwise. Two things!

The flashback thread: Eleanor has made her entrance! The plan is for Blair and Chuck to go off at some point and Nate and Serena can interact on their own. I am happy to play Eleanor for a while longer or anyone else that would be a fun addition. Just let me know if my services are requested! I clearly love giving life to GG’s minor characters. Otherwise, there is more than enough to entertain me in our other threads which brings me to...

Breakfast Club thread: K and I have been musing about what would lead two characters like Dan and Blair into detention since they are (outwardly) well behaved at school. Our idea was that Blair organized (and by Blair, I obviously mean Dorota) a girls’ night out scavenger hunt/dare contest a la the episode "Dare Devil" that culminated in champagne in the school courtyard. More students showed up and it got a little out of hand. Dan came—hoping to find Serena—just in time to get in trouble for his attendance. So, Dan and Blair have detention as punishment. This could be behind Nate or Chuck’s detention as well, if you guys are stumped for ideas. Chuck I’m sure can get into trouble of his own devising of course!


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Date:2009-03-04 16:00

So I started the GGBC scene, and I’m sorry it wasn’t longer but I ran out of time. =/ I know you guys would have been cool if I’d just posted it up later, but I was too excited for it to get started!! Lol. But because we’ve been jumping around in the time line so much, I made a list of current events. Sort of a way to keep us all on the same page. Though this is mostly for my benefit so I don’t get lost between the show and the scenes we’ve Rped.

As Things Stand Now:
-Nate’s having family/money issues and is staying with Dan and Jenny.
-Chuck and Nate aren’t on the best of terms since there visit to Yale.
-Dan and Chuck just don’t like each other.
-Serena and Dan our giving 'just friends' a try, and failing miserably.
-Dan’s upset with Jenny’s ditching. (and possibly the thing with Nate.)
-Blair and Jenny came to an understanding over fashion week.
-Serena and Blair are friends yet again.
-Chuck and Blair are at a stand still.
-Nate and Jenny our in an awkward flirting stage.
-Chuck and Jenny, well...they never do show those two together much after the whole ‘almost rap’ scene in season 1. So I really don’t know...lol

Let me know if I missed something or if you don’t agree with something I put. Again, this is mostly for me since my head can get pretty scrambled sometimes.


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Date:2009-03-02 16:05

Greetings GG Lovers! My name is Ally and I'm taking over Nate. Thank you, Laura for allowing that to happen. I know that he can be rather addicting to play after awhile and I really appreciate the chance to be able to join this fabulous little group.

I've taken the chance to go back and read over all the posts so that I know what's been happening with the characters and with everyone else. I didn't want to worry about something coming up that made me go, 'Hmmm?'. As far as joining in and taking over, if ya'll wanna finish the thread then by all means go right ahead and finish it. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade because I know how it is to get something going in your head and then not be able to finish it. I imagine it like double dutch, I'm just swaying on the sidelines waiting for the perfect chance to jump in.

I love the idea of Nate/ANYBODY. I had started to make a list of the characters that I'd play him with and I really don't see anybody that I wouldn't. Well, that might be a semi-lie. I find V rather annoying, but playing Nate is so fantastic to me that I would play him against anybody. Going along with that theme, if there are any characters that anybody is loathing and doesn't want to play but wants in the game then let me know because I'd be more than willing to throw myself out there.

If anybody has any questions than feel free to ask. I'm incredibly open and after recently moving to a new state, I've yet to find a job, so I'm online most of the time. Holy crap this got long. My bad!


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Date:2009-03-02 11:47

Hey there, I had a few suggestions for some of our current scenes. I was thinking we should probably make a new post for the party/flashback scene. It’s getting a bit squishy at the end and at this rate we’ll never get Eleanor in there, lol. I was thinking we could fast forward to the party. That way our new Nate can start in a fresh scene.

Also the picnic seems to be dying down. Perhaps we can brain storm on a few more scene ideas. I personally would love a Jenny/Nate, Jenny/Blair/Eleanor and a Chuck/Blair/possibly Dorota scene. Maybe not all at once, but I’d say those are next up on my list of wants. =]


PS. Please add your own list of wanted scenes!!

PSS. I’m so sorry it took me so long to respond to everyone. Busy week mixed with writers block. Hopefully that’s all over.

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Date:2009-02-17 17:11

Okay, I seriously hurt my back jumping for joy when I saw the picnic had started. I’m so excited!! I can’t believe I go away for an hour and come back to being the last to respond!!! Again, sooo excited!! This might be my favorite TV family EVER!

Okay this is totally random and has nothing to do with anything. But I thought it was pretty awesome. hehe )

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Date:2009-02-17 11:04

I'm itching to play Eleanor with a vengeance. Any takers?

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Date:2009-02-12 09:01
Subject:Bass - Van Der Woodson Picnic Party!!!

Hey so the bass-van der woodson picnic gave me an idea. It's kinda like K's idea of a GG party, but in the form of a picnic instead. We'd just have two of us pick up Serena and Eric. (As cool as it would be to have Chuck play against them, I am more then whiling to pick up Serena myself.) We can even add Blair (pre-fashion show drama, if we all wanted a second character.)

It might sound crazy chaotic, but I think if we just keep the responses short and sweet, we might be able to pull it off. Let me know what you guys think!

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Date:2009-02-11 18:52

Hey all!
I got back sooner then I thought and did some icon searching. I came up empty, but I found something much MUCH better....DOROTA IN REAL LIFE!!!! Isn't she's a beauty?

Dorota!! )

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Date:2009-02-09 17:44
Subject:First the worst, second the BEST!

Just a few things I thought I’d share.
First off, the player of Nate will be unavailable till some time after the 16th. They’re in the middle of moving, so they’ll need some time to settle in.

Seeing as we don’t have the entire cast (and quite possibly never will), I have no problem with people popping in as other characters to any scene that reads OPEN. We have many main characters along with side characters that I think would be fun to have random cameos of. For instance, I’d like to see some of these characters play against Chuck.

Maybe even Vanessa?

I’d also be open to playing some of these miner characters for your main character as well. Don’t hesitate to ask. =]


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Date:2009-02-08 19:36

I love logging on and finding new presents awaiting me. In this case-- an OOC comm! Fun for the whole family. Anyways, I have no deep or profound thoughts to share. Just that I am A) totally excited for our (possibly growing!) cadre of GG role players and B) up for anything as far as Dan is concerned. I'm also really wanting to try my hand at Bart and possibly a few other characters as well. That is the glory of this little comm of ours, flexibility!


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