Online Asylum

you don't have to be mad to post here...




April 29th, 2011

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Oh the wedding was just wonderful.

So romantic. And her dress was just amazing.

Looking forward to spending the weekend in London.

September 20th, 2010


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I'm Nick George, I'm a lawyer from New York. Karen's lawyer, actually. Well, the whole Darling family.

We've known each other since we were kids, and she ... invited me to join here. She set up this account and everything. So that's why this is the only icon I have. I've really got to fix that.

But for now, I'm posting to say hi. And also get Karen off my back. See, Karen? I did it. Now, I have to go because your sister is calling me.

July 7th, 2010

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Brooke! Hi!

I decided to join this community to keep in touch with you.

And Lucas, I really want to get to know you.

Oh yes, hi everyone else. I'm Karen Darling. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you too. I live in New York, but I'm sure most of you know that already.

I'm engaged to this guy called Freddie, he's a golfer, and we're getting married in a few months.

May 27th, 2010

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Greetings fellow earthlings. My name is Doctor Sheldon Lee Cooper. I am originally from Texas but I now live in Pasadena, California where I work as a Theoretical physicist at the University. I have an IQ of 187.

My hobbies include reading comic books, playing video games and watching Science Fiction shows. Oh, I also love trains. If you don't love trains then I am not sure that we can be friends.

I live with my roommate Leonard Hofstadter who is currently next door making friends with a girl called Penny who just moved in. I, however, have deiced that I will use the internet as my medium of making friends as I believe that online friendships are easier to cultivate.

February 6th, 2010

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Hey everyone.

My therapist said I should talk to more people. I don't have a lot of friends that aren't friends with her and I saw that Tom Jeter was here (Hey Tom) so I thought here would have a good place.

Oh I never introduced myself. My name is Eddie Thomas. Yes, it's the real me.

So yeah, hey.

January 5th, 2010

(Pardon that it is a bit late.) Merry Yuletide season!~

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November 10th, 2009

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[Filtered from Barney]
I know Barney. He sent our friend Marshall an e-mail about a girl who looks just like Lily here, Willow.

So I followed him over. Watch this, this is going to be literally so funny. I'm going to pretend to be his perfect bimbo.

Oh by the way, Hi everyone. I'm Robin Scherbatsky. I'm a Canadian living in New York City.

November 6th, 2009


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Hey, everyone.

I'm Barney. I know I'm meant to write a bit about myself here, but I'm not usually good at talking about me. Listening is more my thing.

Anyway, I live in New York City. I grew up here, and I love it, but lately it just feels a little ... lonely. I have great friends and everything, it's just ... I'm a little tired of being alone.

Oh, what am I saying, you guys don't care about that. I'm rambling and I sound so pathetic. Sorry. I'm not like this all the time, I swear.

Anyway, I just want to meet some new people and this comm looks like fun. So, hi!

April 21st, 2009

Meet up

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Hey, guys.

I'm sending out a comm-wide invite to the season finale of Studio 60. It's on Friday 22nd May, and you're invited to the live show and the wrap party afterwards, which will be in the studio.

Can't guarantee I'll be hanging around much; Jordan is due on the 20th so I could have my hands full. But it would be great to see everyone and if Bun has made an appearance by then you'll all have to meet her.

Like last time, just drop me a line if you want to come.

April 17th, 2009

Friday Five

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What is your favorite food from each food group?
1. Bread (Grain) Group:
2. Meat (Protein) Group:
3. Vegetable Group:
4. Fruit Group:
5. Sugars, Fats and Oils:

Been a while, huh? You know the drill, answers in the comments.

April 7th, 2009

For Charlie's B-day from Lucas and Layla

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Giant pic under the cut.

Read more... )

Comes with a card, Sponge bob square pants, the outsides says, "Look who is getting so big."

Inside there are two inscriptions:

Lucas: 'Happy Birthday Charlie, hope you had a great day and you enjoy this.'

Layla: "Happy B day you, I hope all of your hopes and dreams come true."

February 27th, 2009

Friday 5 time...

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1. What tastes best covered in chocolate?
2. Why do you eat chocolate the way you do (or don't)?
3. Do you know how chocolate is made?
4. If you knew you would live 5 years longer if you never ate any chocolate again, would you give it up?
5. Have you ever had carob?

And since we have a raft of noobs - and new inductees to the Harem - show your love by taking the friday 5 challenge.

February 25th, 2009

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Hi everyone.

My name is Buffy Summers. I recently moved from LA to Sunnydale California.

There was an accident at my old High School. I sorta set the gym on fire. It was a total accident.

Anyway, I ended up moving with my mom. I'm starting High School at Sunnydale High.

I don't really know anyone here so I thought I'd join this comm and hopefully make some friends.

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I'm totally crashing Lucas' little community here. Because he mentioned it to me and I think this will be a cool way to keep in contact with him. We went to high school together, so I could tell you loads of embarrassing stories... Not that I will, of course. :D

And meet new people. Though I meet loads of people every day through work, it's not the same, really. Oh, yeah, I'm a fashion designer, Clothes Over Bros is the name of my label. You probably heard of it, and my name is kind of a brand name, Brooke Davis or BDavis?

Anyway, all of that is just work stuff. I'm living in New York but I travel all over for work.

Oh, and I'm being told by Millicent I have a meeting right now. So I have to run, but I look forward to meeting everyone!

February 24th, 2009

Guess this is my introduction.

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Hi I'm Willow, I'm a High School Student at Sunnydale High.

I'm not so good at the being social and thought that this would be a good place to start trying. I'm really good with computers so this makes much more sense than doing anything else.

What else would you like to know? I'm really not very interesting, or popular or any of those things.

But I'm nice.

So um hey.

February 20th, 2009

Hey there a noob.

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I'm Claire and I've finally decided to get myself a journal.

Mainly because its a good way of keeping touch with family. Hey Peter.

So I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.

February 13th, 2009

The Friday 5

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Matt's writing and redrafting so he doesn't have time to post this, this week. He's told me to.

Any how comment with your answers.


1. If you were to have a scholarship created in your honor, what qualities would you look for in applicants (leadership, service, GPA, etc.)?
2. Who would be eligible to apply for your scholarship (members of a certain major, ethnic group, sexuality, etc.)?
3. Would it be need-based or not? Why?
4. What would you call it?
5. If you made applicants write an essay, what would the topic be?

February 6th, 2009

Friday 5... comment with your replies.

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What activity can you not believe you survived in your childhood?

What activity can you not believe kids get away with today?

If you could be anyone else in the world live or dead, who would you choose to be?

A lot of people think they've been in love at 15 or 16 years old, do you think you now look back and think you were a stupid kid or do you believe that you were old enough to know what love is?

Do you think it is possible to remain in love with someone you once loved, but haven't seen in a year?

January 16th, 2009

Hey guys I think this is going to be cool...

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I was googling when I should have been working.

And I saw this meme, its called thefridayfive.

I'm going to start posting this each week and I think we should all post our answers to the questions in the comments.

Sound like fun? Sound like a good tool for procrastination?

So onto this weeks questions.


1. What are your favorite smells/scents?
2. Do they bring back memories for you? If so, what?
3. What are your least favorite smells/scents?
4. Do they bring back memories for you? If so, what?
5. What are your favorite perfumes/colognes?

December 24th, 2008

Happy Holidays

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To Rose, The Doctor and Jack: A banana tree, it pretty much takes care of it self. (Instructions and other things you will need to keep it healthy. Ever need a boost, call me. {Number included.) Happy Holidays.

To Peter: A Spider plant: It is super healthy, and practically takes care of itself.
(Instructions and other things you will need to keep it healthy. Ever need a boost, call me. {Number included.) Happy Holidays.

To Lucy, Danny, Matt, Tom, Griffin, Adam and Derek:
A small pine tree assortment, the healthiest and nicest ones you have ever seen. They practically take care of themselves. If you plant them close to home, I promise, even in the winter they will take root and grow. (Instructions and other things you will need to keep it healthy. Ever need a boost, call me. {Number included.) Happy Holidays.

To Charlie: A lucky bamboo tree in an Elephant base. It has already grown steadily and it practically takes care of itself. If you keep it near a tree and face the elephant toward a door, you will have good luck all year long. (Instructions and other things you will need to keep it healthy. Ever need a boost, call me. {Number included.) Happy Holidays.

To Lucas: A lily plant. The lilies are in full bloom and the leaves are fresh. The plant smells divine. And you know where I am in case it needs some TLC.
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