The One True Roxbury

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12/3/09 09:16 am - [info]blueflynn

Kurt was enjoying this place. Beyond the liberating realization that he was one of the least curious looking participants, of course that had brightened his day, but it wasn't as big a deal as others would believe. It was filled with so many walks of life and people, beings that he had read about, just a happy and carefree environment. Knowing the two co-owners, he wasn't surprised there weren't many shenanigans. Another thing to be happy about, they were safe out here.

Right now, though, there was some kind of music he couldn't recognize out of things he guessed were instrument merely because the music was coming from them. It was clearly not Terran, but he could here a beat remarkably close to Brazilian tango. He charmed a tall willowy creature with skin like green tea into joining him on the dance floor with the others and was delighted his partner picked up his moves, tangoing along. Onlookers clapped and mimicked the simpler moves, and the musician played louder as more beings packed the floor.

11/15/09 02:30 pm - [info]daniel_halladay - Daniel Halladay intro, OTA

Dan's friends decide to take him out to a bar where a huge fight breaks out. When all is said and done, he had made himself an ally in Johnny and the bartender bought about fifty pizzas to thank everyone that helped clean up. Having a few too many drinks, Dan went to take a piss. The only urinal in the damn bathroom was being blocked by some dumbass that decided to use the floor directly in front of it as their bed for the night... A couple of women just happened to walk into the women's bathroom when he walked out of the men's.

Grunting with frustration, he stumbled to the back door where the alley would hopefully be free of pedestrians. "Just my luck..." A couple of people making out next to the wall. The door next to the bar has a black light right above it, with pink neon marker scribbled on the door reading "bathrooms". "if that's not just lucky" he thought aloud. He was starting to feel lite headed and the lights seemed to swirl above his head. He quickly stumbled to the door, grabbing the knob, it seemed to open itself as he fell inside. He knew he must have been really drunk when he saw what seemed to be a ballroom, not "crowded" with people, but people dancing nonetheless.

The last thing he could remember was a beautiful woman standing above him, saying something, but nothing was making sense to him. He passed out...

10/26/09 03:16 pm - [info]dasummers

Darius was sitting at a booth with a drawing pad and a plate of spaghetti. The whole 'not being able to talk' thing had made him think about how he'd used to love drawing as a kid.

So he was trying his hand at it again. He wasn't terribly good, though, so it took some effort not to be frustrated as he attempted to make a still life of his dinner.

The fact that he kept eating portions of his model probably didn't help much, either.

10/16/09 07:31 pm - [info]myinsidesrmetal

Who: Myrene Carnegie
What: An Entrance post!
Where: In a land of unicorns and ponies!!!
When: now?
Warnings: Swearing, drinking, possibly smoking.

Frustrated, Myrene stabbed her butt into the full ashtray, she left her work and gathered her coat from the rack by the door. The day had been a waste, her employees hadn't made any headway on the latest project, and she wasn't helpful, while she was a mess over a (forced) appointment with Doc Samson. The two had reached an impasse, he felt she shouldn't be attempting to smoke and drink her problems away and she felt that he needed to go fuck himself.

Clearly, therapy was a colossal waste of time. She'd returned to her office and sat there until her skin was cold enough to have a 'normal' person chattering their teeth. And now she was late to meet Steve to discuss how her session had gone. Myrene had insisted on a bar near her office, which he had not approved of, but she felt that he needed to fuck himself, too. Since when did being a mutant somehow equate to it's own form of AA? And if being a mutant meant that you were a member of Mutants Anonymous, did it make sense to have a science experiment as a sponsor? Spotting Steve inside, she shook her head and threw her relatively fresh cigarette to the ground before pulling open the door and stepping inside. 'Time to face the execution squad.'

And blinked. This didn't bare any resemblance to the quiet bar she'd chosen, it was a night club. This didn't bode well.

10/7/09 11:16 pm - [info]love_remember - [locked to Darius]

Ophelia was relaxing in a booth in the club. After being in this world for a while, she was getting used to it; not being quite as scared as she was when they arrived.

She rather hoped they'd stay a while this time. Switching worlds was always an adventure...but it could get tiresome after a while.

She watched the entrance of the club, looking for Darius to arrive.

10/6/09 02:16 pm - [info]blueflynn

Who: Kurt Wagner, OTA
What: Babelfish plot!
Where: Where else?

Kurt was curiously walking around the Roxbury, trying to make sense. He was sure the song being played was 'Gold Dust Woman,' but never had he heard it in Swahili. And the greeter at the elevator had been cheerful, but unintelligible. The best he could do was smile, bob his head and gesture.

He perched himself on the tall stool chair on the bar proper, watching everywhere with a subdued tail flick. Maybe he needed to speak to McCoy when he went back, get his head checked.

10/4/09 06:02 pm - [info]ex_notahero565 - Closed to Ganieda

A box shoved in the door, and after it, Sam tumbled out of the door, hand gripping Ganieda's as they fell, and his groan as he hit the ground was loud, followed by a grunt when Ganieda landed on him.

He lay there for a moment, a young man in a tattered set of clothing, the box near his head showing a lot of beating. The woman on top of him looked beautiful, and as he slowly opened his eyes, he grinned.

"You did it! We're out!"

He kissed her solidly, and smiled. Then he looked around and blinked a lot.

"We're... in a dance club?"

Welcome to the Roxbury, Sam and Genieda!

10/1/09 09:13 am - [info]dog_soldier

Who: Zach Beta
What: An Entrance Post
Where: Where else?
When: Now's good.
Warnings: Maybe some bad words.

Zach opened the door into local cantina, the rowdy infantry squad behind him talking smack like usual. He laughed and turned to return a volley, something very apt and dealing with Rodriguez's mother and the Sarge, when he stopped doing everything. This wasn't a little bar mock-up for the military outpost in Afghanistan. He was alone, he was in some classy joint he'd seen in movies or at Tony's little shin-digs.

And, judging from the fact his dusty fatigues's pockets seemed suspiciously lighter, unarmed as well.

Well, f*ck...

8/20/09 06:51 pm - [info]dasummers

Who: Darius Summers and Ophelia
What: getting used to a new world
Where: the main bar
Warnings: Cuteness. Mild language.

How high the moon? Does it reach the stars? )

8/16/09 06:39 pm - [info]angel_mercy

Who: Angela Mercy
What: An Entrance Post
Where: Here
When: Now
Why: Why Not?
Warnings: Um, yes, most likely.

It had been bad enough when she was transported back to her world, the world of hiding, and furling her wings, and cramped, dirty quarters. She'd gotten used to being accepted. She'd gotten used to hugs and kisses.

To be thrown back into a world where she was not accepted or liked was quite a blow. And Angela was not amused. Not that she could do anything about it. She had no magic, no powers besides flight that she knew of. So what could she do? She had to accept things as they were.

So she went back to work as a dishwasher, and got used to keeping her wings tight against her body again.

And then, a few days later, suddenly found herself inside of some sort? It was quite bright and shiny. She turned about in confusion and then sighed heavily. "Oh for fuck's sake..."

7/28/09 04:30 pm - [info]roxburymods

This is a tag post, and we make tags here.

7/27/09 08:20 am - [info]rosehuedsight - Roxbury or Bust!

Who Scott Summers, Emma Frost, and GB(Closed)
What Arrival
Where The Roxbury; from doors to around
When Morning, date unknown...
Warnings Swearing at the least...

Opening into a club was not behavior Scott expected of his bathroom door, and he was very disappointed-- )
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