The Hotel Roxbury

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10/25/09 12:16 pm - [info]dog_soldier - Zack, OTA

Even though he missed his door home when the Bar closed, Zach was having himself a good time. With a room in the hotel and a case of insomnia, he was cruising the empty hallways on his skateboard and bopping along to his iPod pounding out some 90's rock.

Man, he really needed some R+R in Australia again. They had some choice waves.

The hallway turned to the staircase connecting the many levels of the nice building. A good hop up and he was sliding down the bar, swerved around the corner, and landed the touch-down to the lower story. He grinned and bent like a banana to take a wide turn around a corner.

7/28/09 04:30 pm - [info]roxburymods

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