storyline community
Once upon a time - for that is how all stories should begin - there was a little girl who no one loved. A little girl who grew into a very powerful woman. One who was raised in darkness with cruelty and bitterness her only companions. And when she was old enough, the woman bottled up all her bitterness and all of her hate, and she used it to cast a spell over all, stripping them of everything they ever knew and ripping them from their homes. And here they have fallen - a collection of misfits with no memory of who they once were. But there was one thing she forgot: love. Because of all things, the heart is the hardest to hide from. What will happen when those who were cast aside begin to remember?

July 2012


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March 14th, 2012



I give you Hope Vera Kelly aka Faith Lehane, she going to be the new manger at her foster dad James (Giles) art gallery and she's deals in art trading, James taught her all about it. (Like how Giles taught her about being a watcher and setting up the Slayer Social Worker in the comics)

Her younger years were a bit of a blur, she was a drug addict (instead of a rouge slayer), but when she got older, went to rehab (When she went to jail) twice she kicked the habit.

I need old friends (and Angel who we are calling Michel, Mikey for short.) she managed to make at what time she was at high school, non-druggies friend needed as well that she stayed with shortly.

Then friends she would have now since she's coping with James sudden death and him leaving her everything, she didn't see that coming. So now the girl who had nothing is a woman who has everything.

She has Giles step children Selene (Buffy) and Lindsey (Dawn, she's needed too) to deal with.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.



Here is Eliza Beth Fortune aka Caroline Forbes.

Her info is here, I know seems very limited, but I'm not sure what everyone else had plan yet. However, here is the broken queen, I need friends, ex-lovers/boyfriend, anyone who would deal with her.

Also Mrs. Fortune is chief of police, so cops would know Eliza as well.



Hey everyone.

Ginny4harry here with Devin Redem, or Damon Salvatore in canon.

His application is here:

As you can see he's a bartender, so he could possibly know anyone who frequently attends the bar.

And I would love if someone wanted to be his step-mother. She can around the same age as him.

Plot is <3, so please give me some <3 :D



Hey everyone! I'm still working on her bio right now, but I wanted to go ahead and put her out here in case anyone was interested in picking up her canon counterparts.

This is Emilia Puckle (formerly Hermione Granger) from "Harry Potter". She's graduating high school this May and will be heading to University in the fall. She also works at the local animal shelter and is very involved in working for equal rights, etc. - much like Hermione was always working on the case for house elves, etc. She's still incredibly smart and will be graduating as Valedictorian of her class and has received a full academic scholarship due to her high test scores. Much like Hermione, she's a little bossy, a little self-critical, and a lot clever and logical. She has spent her entire life trying really hard to learn as much as humanly possible - which has made her less than popular and one of the "nerdy" kids at school.

Any characters who are in high school - we should totally plot! Also, anyone who might be in college or who frequents the animal shelter, etc.

Annnd if anyone's interested in bringing in any Harry Potter characters, I would love to work out some sort of plot with them as well.