On A Boat: OOC Comm

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On A Boat: OOC Comm


January 4th, 2010

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So this is a Kerry, bringing in another Amanda Tapping variant stfu Samantha Carter :) I'm way behind on my SG watching but I'll be using wiki. Canon point? Who knows. Do we care? Naah.

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Hi. I'm Dee. Most of you know me.

I'm trying out Starbuck and if I suck at her I'll probably try someone else.


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H'okai. Cut off date for saying "I'm here!" was a couple days ago (Jan. 2nd), so I'm in the process of removing Jilly and Joy #2, which means Inara Serra, Aeryn Sun, and Leia Organa are open again. (I'm taking Uhura, she didn't just magically disappear, I promise.)

December 30th, 2009

o hai

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So, I'm getting all my ducks in a row and working out threads to do, or that I need to keep working on. I need to be more organised and stuff, so it's like a new year's resolution or something.

I know Obi has a couple from a bit back that I'm more than happy to keep going if Kaylee and Pip are, but does anyone want to do plottings/threads/whathaveyou with Obi or John? They don't bite unless you ask.

December 26th, 2009

Another new face

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No, that would be him, not me. Okay, Blade Runner is not a new film, but I know of at LEAST one person here who's never seen it... and Roy's bio is spoilery for the whole thing. SO! If you don't want to be spoiled (or at least not quite so much), here's a potted thingy just for you:

Roy Batty is a Nexus-6 Replicant, used off-world as a combat model in the Colonization Defence program. He is rated 'A' for both mental and physical abilities, meaning he has genius level intelligence AND superhuman strength, speed and endurance. Don't worry - I have NO intention of him using those all the time.

He's only 5 years old despite his appearance, and he's not completely adept at dealing with his emotions since, as a construct - albeit a DAMN good one since Nexus-6 are billed as "more human than humans" - he's a bit limited in his experiences. But he's definitely learning.

For those who HAVE seen the film, there may be some slight explanations on his Bio, which is posted to his journal.

Oh, and this is Alison - she who is also responsible for [info]prime_nebari. :D

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Hi, sup, it's Kait, with character #4.

This is Jake Sully from James Cameron's Avatar (not to be confused with that other Avatar cartoon thing). Introing a character is always tough because of spoilers for plot, but here we go: )

So Jake and Neytiri are here, having been captured by some shady folks into alien trafficking and freshly rescued by Spock and Kirk. Looks like they'll be making a rescue trip to Pandora soon.

December 25th, 2009

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Aaaaaaall right. We've slowed to a nearly dead stop. I'm busy, you're busy, and with the other games I have going and real life and such, we're not really going anywhere. So we're closing up.

Sort of.

Membership is closed. Aside from mod invite, we're not accepting new members. We're keeping this place small and private. On the other hand, this means no more applications. Just pick a character, get a journal, and comment to the app page.

Keep in mind we're going to be really casual around here. If you don't want to stick around (which is totally fine), comment here and you'll be removed. If there's no answer from a player by January 2nd, you'll be removed. If you tell me you want to stay or post something, you're still here. Whoo.

December 8th, 2009

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Hi, guys! I want to apologize to all of you for being so slow this past week or so. It was my birthday last week and then my mother came into town, which just threw off all of my "yay, let's do stuff!" plans. But that's over and I'm here, and we've just accepted a Leia, which is so awesome that everyone should be active. Viva la Resistance!

That stuff I promised ages ago will be put up and all of my characters WILL update today, and we'll see if we can't get a ball rolling around here.

- Jen (mod)

November 19th, 2009


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Evenin' all!

I'm Tracy, and I'm in Ireland. I probably have met you at some point in my online RP life (If I haven't, I'm about to, so that's not a problem, right?). I'm on AIM as SayNoToZombies and my e-mail is scriblix at gmail dot com which means there's that weird G-chat thing available as well. If you want to chat with me, poke even if I appear to be invisible, because I often forget to uninvisible myself and then I sit staring at my laptop wondering why nobody is talking to me.

Anyway, I have two pups here, and they're very lovely people indeed.

Obi-Wan Kenobi ([info]padawan_kenobi) is a young Jedi Padawan, almost a Knight but not quite. He has a stupid haircut, a lovely set of pyjamas and most importantly, a lightsabre. Surely you are jealous now. Also, he likes to throw things at the Dude by using the Force, as you can see in my icon.

John Crichton ([info]hooman_from_erp) is a lost astronaut who fell down a wormhole and got stuck on a prison ship with, uh, escaped prisoners. And a Peacekeeper, who regularly wipes the floor with him. Despite being a member of a clearly inferior species, he's not completely useless, which is good to know!

uhm, I think that's everything? We're fine, we're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

November 18th, 2009

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Hellohello, all.

I'm Alison and this is the lovely Chiana from Farscape. She's my only character for now and we're looking forward to meetings and greetings and all that good stuff.

I'm snakebittenraven on AIM, but I have a few *coughs* issues with my computer so I'm usually on Y!M instead since it seems to give me less hassle. I'm black_narcissus2003 on there, always invisible but WILL reply if I'm online, which is often.

I'm in England so tend to keep to GMT hours, more or less. :D

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Hi all, I'm Ashe. AIM is such melodrama and email is such.melodrama[at]gmail[dot]com. I have two characters, and they're AWESOME.

Mal ([info]capntightpants). Malcolm Reynolds is the captain of Serenity. He probably should have died like a million and two thirds times by now, but he's just too damn pretty for God to let him die. Just look at that chiseled jaw. He is made of awesome and win, even when he's being a moron. Which is most of the time. He may punch you. You'll probably want to punch him. Don't worry, it's a natural reaction. Do not fuck with his crew or, he swears by his pretty floral bonnet, he will end you. Also, he is more awesome than Kirk, because he actually does shit on his ship...arguably. And because he was fighting in wars when Kirk was a fetus. Plus his first mate is so much hotter. Why the hell didn't he tap that?

Bones ([info]damnitjim). Leonard McCoy, more often called Bones because Jim is a jackass and the kind of friend to give a guy a nickname that also serves as a reminder of his painful divorce, is the CMO (Chief Medical Officer) for the U.S.S. Enterprise. He's a southern gentleman through and through, but he can be kind of a snarky bastard. He just does it with a charming accent. Though technically, he's supposed to be Enterprise's doctor, his main job is as Jim's handler. Basically he tells Jim off when he's being a moron. Which is almost always. He also does not get on with Spock because Spock is a pointy-eared bastard. He's a dick, but he's damn good at his job, because he actually learned shit at the Academy while Jim was off mastering the fine art of sitting like a douchebag. And only he can say shit like that about Jim, because he's Jim's best friend and he puts up with his bullshit, so he earned it. If you talk shit about Jim, he'll glare and possibly punch you or make you cry with words.

That is all.

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omg hi.

I'm Nomie. You can call me Nomes. I am on AIM at metonomie, and on Gmail at onthebound. I am almost always around on Gchat, I just forget to go visible because I'm an ass.

Currently I just have the one character, Kaylee Frye of Firefly. She loves strawberries, pink dresses, and making new friends. ^_^

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Sup. I'm Kait. :D AIM: oh kaity, e-mail: oh.kaity@gmail.com. Here are my peeps! All three of them go by monosyllabic single names.

Wash ([info]barnstorm). Firefly. He's the pilot. He's the most kickass pilot ever. He's kind of a loser person. A bit of a schmuck but he's got a hot, hot wife.

Spock ([info]emotelogic). Star Trek XI. We all know him. Logical. Reluctantly emotional. Hangin' out on Enterprise. Bangin' Uhura. Wants to smack Kirk half the time. And Bones. Will settle for a well-placed verbal zinger.

Bean ([info]antons_key). Ender's Shadow. Okay, so, this one requires explanation. He's a supergenius street urchin livin' on Metis right now, but a couple centuries ago he was Ender's right-hand manchild in destroying the Formics. The kids who were under Ender's command were sent off to colonize other worlds and get away from Earth, and the uber-scientific science of relativistic space travel means that though hundreds of years passed on earth, not much time passed for the travelers. So Bean should have been dead a long time ago, but he's really only nine. EDIT: He's also gone through a PB change. :D So yay.

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Aaaaand I'll go first. Hi, I'm Jen, and I already have too many characters. My contact info is plastered all over the place, but in case you forgot, my AIM is because the sun and my email is spidersensed@gmail.com. So now, onto the characters!

Zoe Washburne ([info]carbine): Zoe is the First Mate on the Serenity and wife of its pilot, Wash. She follows Mal and makes sure he doesn't end up dead in a ditch somewhere. She's steadfast, she's tough, she has a gun, and she has some pretty kickass hair.

River Tam ([info]reaverkiller): River is Crazy. She has no official job on Serenity, but she's psychic and can kill things. Also talk to cows. River is a genius to end all genius-ness, but she's a nutball, so half the shit she says doesn't make sense anyway. She also has a penchant for pretty pink dresses over combat boots.

Cpt. James Kirk ([info]inthree): Captain of the Enterprise! He does ... captain-y things. In space. ...HE'S AWESOME.

Ender Wiggin ([info]dragonarmy): So, uh. Apparently Ender's Game fandom characters are the only ones with fucked up aging, which is fine. Whatevs! Ender took the scenic route around the galaxy or something and his growth got all fucked up, but he was, at one time, the hero and genius commander of the Formic War. (Go check the FAQ if you don't remember wtf I'm talking about.) After the war, he left Earth, and when the people of Earth discovered that the Third Invasion was actually a huge massacre and complete xenocide of innocent buggies and whatnot, history basically portrayed him as Hitler 2.0. Whoops. But, since he's been out in space and not aging all this time, he doesn't know that. (Mind, he did this when he was all of eleven. But still. Hitler.) So anyone who knows their Earth history (specifically the Star Trek characters, except Jim, who's a dick and doesn't recognize history anytime before the day he was born. ...kidding, kidding) would recognize Ender's name, probably with the reaction of, "YOU'RE A TWATWAFFLING MURDERER!" or something to that effect. Assuming they believe he is who he says he is, of course.

November 17th, 2009

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All right, chitlins, here's what's going on! The crews of the Enterprise and Serenity are filling up, and I don't want to make you guys (or me) wait too long. I want to start this game while we're all excited! So, with apps for Spock, Mal and Simon (and Uhura!) coming in (and the Farscape peeps and Obi-Wan), we'll start soon and small and give new people and characters something to hope into right away.

In fact, we'll start as soon as we get Mal, so that our two main ships have captains and hijinks may ensue on that front while everyone else files in.

Until then, feel free to introduce yourselves to each other!

Jen (the mod)
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