Re: Sam/Tamira
Sam raised his eyebrow. "I thought I have a son who adores me. I must be doing something right, but if it makes you feel better, I won't tell him, even though I'm pretty sure they are both aware of that. I think that's why we finally get along. He understands that my normal is exactly what you said: sports, beer and my friends. It's all the rest that it's not normal. The dates, the feelings, the sharing." If he were the type to shiver, he'd do so, but instead he just made a face. "And trust me, he knows, because we've had plenty of discussions on why I should date, which boils down to normal people date, and G and I don't. Ever."
Vance had definitely lost his mind obviously or maybe they were back to that normal thing that people liked even while the entire dimension was crumbling around them. Instead he thought about what she was saying and smiled. "Surprisingly, it's not a big change at all. The circumstances might have changed, but we haven't. Sex, the rings, knowing what we feel, they haven't changed anything or us. We are who we used to be, we still act like we used to. People would disagree, but that's how things should be. We were so in tune with each other before that nothing had to change."
He chuckled. "The dinosaurs are..." He licked his lips and moved closer, while he lowered his voice. "They are fun. It's not reckless behavior. We've approached it scientifically and we're a lot smarter than they are. Not that I'll tell him that, because who knows what he'll do once we reach civilization again. Of course, he'll tell you that I'm the one who takes the biggest risks," he finished with a shrug. He was a SEAL, he didn't act reckless, but dealt in calculated risks and training.