Re: Sam/Tamira
"Phone calls and letter that could have been too risky," he said, sighing, because Tamira wasn't the one who didn't understand. "I say the important things. I have no clue what's important with Bolton, because I tune him out within the first five minutes. He's not normal, and I should know. I've spent five months with two profilers and they don't talk as much." He cracked a smile. "Pretty much anyone knows more than Sean when it comes to sports."
Sam snorted. "I always told you that you should have tried the new boot camps for civilians. They are the best gyms, and Napa? You went to Napa?" Had Vance lost it before they had crossed over? "No, the really important thing is that I'm going to make sure that you're in the best shape of your life. Me and G-" He shrugged. "It's just me and G. I can honestly say that nothing has changed other than sex. He's in charge, I'm his second, we plan for survival, and we still don't date. This is actually been a nice vacation, with no one trying to get us to do normal things. He's riding dinosaurs," he added after beat.