Re: Sam/Sean (Troy?)
"Missed you, too." Hugs were good. Hugs were always good. Hugs from his Dad were better than good. "You realize there are five months of those stored up now, right?" Sean grinned as his dad let go. "I figure they'll run out about Christmas and then you can go back to occasional hugging," he mock-threatened.
Looking down at himself, Sean shrugged. "Not as hard as Savannah and I wanted." Holding up his hand, he wiggled the fingers. "Seems to be holding steady. Haven't had time to play a lot last two or three months, but I'd call it a hundred percent mobility for a non-musician. Still need to work on my span for sax a little more." With no piano, real piano, available he was pretty much screwed on ever getting his full range of motion back there. He might be able to keep stretching, but strength training the fingers for that specific touch was going to be next to impossible here. "Or I would if this wasn't a sound-free zone. Is this time when I can start bitching about wanting to play so you feel like you never left?"