"My family is spread across dimension, April. They are surviving without me as we speak." They'd better, because Savannah was not going to stop until they found them. "You're always overestimated me. The strength of my family is that we rely on each other. There's always someone to step in when someone can't carry on anymore. We lost Jenna, but now there's Tamira. She's Sean's mother. She just arrived, but... she's family."
It was easier to give reports than think about Sam and G, or even Derek and Emily. They had become family too. "Okay, so you've met Oliver and Tommy. They are both filthy rich and from the Hammonds' dimension. They knew each other back home, because of the campaign. Maura is the doctor. She's from their same dimension. She was youngest Chief Medical Officer there She know.... everything. She's like Sheldon, in away. she married Doug. They are the ones who arrived before the leads disappeared. Afterwards, there was Tamira, obviously. Helena comes from Claudia's dimension. She was an agent there. There's Mike, who's the FBI agent and a member of the BAU. Second youngest member after Reid. Brian who was LAPD, but he left a while ago. Finally Matt, he was a fireman in Chicago. I can't say I know them that well. There's been so much to do and they haven't been here long enugh."
Savannah nodded. "Dinosaurs, or you know something like that. Derek is hardly the expert, but something close to that. I guess we'll see when we get there." She smiled. "We wouldn't want things to get too boring, right?"
She shook her head. "Just Nick. We were the last car out fortunately, and two teams were out on mission. The houses here only had minor problems. Electricity is still on and off. Same with the phone and the I 5 is still being repaired, but at least no one else got hurt." She smiled. "Yes, Thomas delivered him. It was an interesting night, that's for sure, and yes, Maura checked us out, both that night and before going back to work, not that there was any need. You know me. I bounce back easily."
Chuckling, Savannah nodded. "We do, except I have three of them. They outnumber us already," she said laughing. "I don't know yet. He sleeps and eats. We'll see, I guess."