As much as April had missed the team on leaving, returning was less than pleasant. She had been happy to have a real life, to not have to live each day according to the whims of others.
The trip had been very much as she expected, though it did have the pleasant surprise of Savannah being there. She might not want to return, but seeing Savannah was something she had longed to do and the hug she gave her friend was genuine and long. They hadn't spoken much however, not really, not the way they could now when it was only the two of them.
"I'm glad you're still alive," April countered with a smile. "You don't know how good it is to see you." That she could say with complete honesty.
"I have a feeling you're the only one who's glad that we're back, and I don't know if we can find our place here again. Not that I won't try. I'm nothing if not stubborn." She smiled. Still if they found a dimension to build a home in, she already knew they'd take the offer.
"So how are you? Really?" she asked. "I so much wanted to ask when you emailed but, well-" she shrugged, not really needing to finish that sentence since they both knew how much they couldn't tell each other over the email.
"You'll have to catch me up with what's happened since we left. A lot of new people, I take it?"