"Then I suppose we'll just have to help you eat through your perishables before they spoil." John smiled and shook his head. It was kind of endearing that she didn't see it.
"I'm aware that he does," he said simply. "I kinda did, though, let it define my life." Or, he'd had his life defined for him and he went with it. And now...well, things were fuzzy. He didn't know what he was going to find at home, if there was even still a place for him there, or if his whole life's worth of training and preparation was wasted. And, the funny thing was, it was still, in a way, his fault for going forward and giving Martin a reason to come back, saving Derek and putting them in a position to do what John had been supposed to do. Of course, what this meant for John's continued existence who the hell knew. There would be no sending Kyle Reese back to father a child with Sarah Connor. So, what did that mean for the John that was, when there was unlikely to be a John to be?
And, yeah, stopping that brain-pretzel inducing train of thought.
Instead, he turned his mind to Savannah's next question and an easier to solve dilemma. "Well, I stripped as much of the EXIF data from the pictures as I could before we put it together. That removed all the location and system information from them. If you're still using the email I set up, it should be okay through transport with the number of international proxies it's bouncing off of and it's got my encryption during transport, so cached files on the proxies are useless for any but the most hardcore brute force attacks. The only real potential point of entry, then, would be whatever computer it's retrieved on, whether they've kept the encryptions or even if they've kept the same computers or phones, if they're maintaining the security software, if they know how to upgrade or install security software if they need to replace the hardware.
"I would say, as long as there aren't any images with people who are still with us, it should be safe enough to send them any pictures from the base or the ranch. The government already knows we were at those locations, so it's unlikely to cause a security risk if they're able to use any kind of analyzer to determine where the photos were taken. The school might be safe enough, since we're not likely to go back there, but I wouldn't risk it. And definitely nothing from the island or here or even Disney World. You could probably send them whatever pictures you have of them from those locations, as well."