Re: Claudia/Sam
"I understood the general gist before but now it's more crystal." She caught herself after a beat and added, "Clear. Crystal clear."
Claudia thought about the location-wise, and another question. "Since I already met my spa people, I can use them again without being Cheater-Cheater Pumpkin Eater, and damn it." Claudia pulled a face. "This communication thing, still gonna take time. But I will get there!" Claudia pumped her fist in the air with determination. Sure, she'd been in undercover training with Callen for weeks, but she'd be speaking like she speaks for years.
She gave him half a smile and went back to the question. "I'll focus on the question part now. Let's say I sent the email, and then people came up to talk to me at various points during the day. I could, conceivably, tell them individually what's the skinny or tell them to meet me in the conference room at such and such a time so I can give the information all in one go as long as we're at the Team Center, with noise or in here. Didn't you say in the basement of our houses, too?
"Also, how do you know how important the information is? Sticking with my spa, I told them in the secure room the location, day, general time, and the plan I was going to follow to set things up. Does that qualify?"