Re: Claudia/Sam
Claudia tucked her legs so she was sitting Indian-style on the chair. "I'm good with the trust thing, that's not an issue. The where, how, and how much to say I want to get right, because as it's been pointed out many times being here isn't the same as being where we were. I really don't want to screw up and be the cause of Very Bad Things happening."
Claudia rested her hand on her chin. "Okay, emails first. For either on base or off base activities, I am allowed to email the what in general, correct? Two examples. First, I could have emailed everyone that I'd like to go to the spa this weekend and to talk to me if they were interested. Second, I could say that I want to visit the museum on base and talk to me if they're interested in going. Oh, to add to that, could people answer me a yes or no in an email for those things, or is that a bad idea?"