Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

WHO: Diana Richards & Mena Bones
WHEN: February 10; late evening (before dinner)
WHERE: 1st year dorms.
WHAT: Time for the mommy smack down.
RATING: There will be language. Lots of language. And likely feels.
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

Who do you think you're fooling )
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Friday, February 6th, 2015

WHO: Mena Bones & Tristan Flanagan
WHAT: Mistakes
WHEN: 2/6; 8pm
WHERE: Mena's hiding spot by the ocean
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

when it rains it pours )
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Friday, January 16th, 2015

WHO: Mena Bones & Ben Tsou
WHAT: Diana is the worst mom (idk I just like writing Mena crying)
WHEN: {backdated} 1/8; after this
WHERE: Bones abode
RATING|STATUS: E for Emotions | In progress

all you had to do was stay )
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Monday, December 29th, 2014

WHO: Mena Bones & Max Valdez
WHAT: Crying
WHEN: 12/29; nighttime
WHERE: Their room; Utah
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

locking up everyone who ever laid a finger on me )
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Wednesday, December 24th, 2014

WHO: Group Two victims, kidnappers, and rescuers
WHAT: Kidnapping, transport, and rescue
WHEN: Dec 27-29
WHERE: Back of a truck → Warehouse in Los Angeles, California
RATING|STATUS: High-ish | In progress

group two )
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Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

WHO: Mena Bones & Diana Richards
WHAT: Caught spying. Oops.
WHEN: 12/16; lunch hour
WHERE: Outside the media classroom
RATING|STATUS: A for Awkward | In progress

I have literally been waiting the entire game for this )
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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014

WHO: Mena Bones & Jun Park
WHAT: Mena causes a scene in class and storms out
WHEN: 12/01; 9:05am
WHERE: Ethics & Logic class, 1st year
RATING|STATUS: Language | In progress

midnight in the hanging tree )
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Saturday, November 29th, 2014

WHO: Mena, Izzy, Max
WHAT: Bonfire fun
WHERE: The beach
WHEN: November 29th, late in the evening
RATING/STATUS: PG-13 probs | in progress

the moon is on my side, I have no reason to run,
so will someone come and carry me home “tonight” )
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Thursday, November 27th, 2014

WHO: Capello Family and Friends! (OPEN)
WHAT: Thanksgiving Dinner (food, drinking, Asher being drunk, et cetera)
WHERE: Capello Home
WHEN: Thanksgiving day, around 5pm
RATING/STATUS: Keep it PG-13 | In Progress Group Thread

Thanksgiving dinner is prepared by Ellie and Drew, and has both carnivore and vegan options. A long table is set up in the living room, and there is a kids table for anyone under 21 who attends (sorry Caty). Music will be playing, and the football games will be on low.
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Monday, November 3rd, 2014

WHO: Mena Bones & S. Bones
WHAT: Actual parenting
WHEN: 11/2; evening
WHERE: Bones family home
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In-progress

the opposite of amnesia )
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Sunday, October 26th, 2014

WHO: Mena Bones & Tristan Flanagan
WHAT: Talking like adults
WHEN: 10/25; 7:45ish
WHERE: Outside first year dorms
RATING|STATUS: Swearing | In progress

there's a look on your face i would like to knock out )
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Monday, October 20th, 2014

WHO: Mena Bones & Max Valdez
WHAT: Teenage girls are notorious for hormones and overreacting
WHEN: 10/20; after dinner
WHERE: Under the trees on the southwest corner of the island. Yes, in the rain.
RATING|STATUS: D for Depressing | In progress

you kissed me into ruin, sin on sin )
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WHO: Mena Bones & Tristan Flanagan
WHAT: Breakup
WHEN: 10/20; during breakfast, before classes
WHERE: Girl dorms
RATING|STATUS: Emotional & Upsetting | Completed Log

he left with my heart, they both walked through that door without me )
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Sunday, September 21st, 2014

happy birthday, mena!

WHO: Naomi and Mena
WHAT: A gift
WHEN: On Mena's birthday, during breakfast
WHERE: The Tsou Home

given by hand )
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Sunday, September 14th, 2014

Who: Ben & Mena
When: Sunday lunch after this exchange
Where: Mena's dormroom
Rating: PG - PG13
Status: WIP

collecting your jar of hearts and tearing love apart )
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