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Olympian OOC

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[15 Sep 2014|03:01am]

go away )

[15 Sep 2014|06:13am]
HI GUYS. Did I say I would stop at one character? I said not to believe me right? I hope you didn't. This is MJ with two more. pringles man, pringles

so many chaaaraccterrsss )

[15 Sep 2014|04:13pm]

Hi! Hi, hi, hi! :D My name is Cate, I'm new here, and I already have three characters. Don't judge me. It was out of my control.

Click me! So my intro doesn't kill your friends page!/~thoughful. )

[15 Sep 2014|10:33pm]
This should have been done last week? Y/Y (I'm so sorry.)

Hi! This is Jackie again! And I probably should have hiatused, but I pretty much forgot anything that wasn't my own name and wasn't even mentally alive enough to socialize with the people living in my own home. But I have 7,000 windows opened and have begun to power through ALL OF THE OOC POSTS. And I am READY TO BE A REAL HUMAN, YEAH. (If I missed something, yell at me. I deserve it. Or I'm doing it. Right now. It's there.)

ANYWAY. This here is Mo. Mo fixes your jacked shit is in charge of Maintenance for the school. (Which is a travesty because you don't have cars. Ugh.) So, basically, she fixes your jacked shit. Yes. She's a ridiculous human being, shares a birthday with Jesus Christ, and - as The Hedonist - she pretty much does what she likes. (And she likes most everybody. But especially you. Yes, you. Hey.)

Come play with her. She loves you.

[ viewing | September 15th, 2014 ]
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