September 6th, 2008

[info]veiledtruths in [info]oldwest_rpg

Who: Rachel Hudley and Cole Fulton
Where: Founder's Day Festival
When: September 5, 1867, mid to late afternoon
Status: PG with possibilities of going higher
Summary: Rachel leaves her daughter to wander the festivities while she sneaks toward the saloon.

Grace had already promised her mother she would meet her back in front of the General Store before it got dark. )

[info]stover in [info]oldwest_rpg

RP: Founder's Day Festival

Who: Jed Stover and [Open to anyone/everyone]
Where: Founder's Day Festival
When: September 5, 1867, noon
Status: incomplete
Summary: Let the Founder's Day Celebration begin!

Have a great time, everyone. )

[info]edonovan in [info]oldwest_rpg

Founders' Day Horse Races

Who: Eli Donovan and [OPEN]
Where: Founder's Day Festival; front pasture on the Donovan farm, with a makeshift 'track' set up for the races.
When: Thursday, September 5, 1867; mid-afternoon
Status: Incomplete
Summary: Eli's opened the doors of the stable to the public for a series of horse races, both short and long distance.
Note: Open to spectators AND participants! Feel free to jump in just to watch, ^_^


The short distance races would be a single lap around the posts, and the long distance would be five laps... )

[info]stellacooper in [info]oldwest_rpg

Founders' Day Dancing

Who: Stella Cooper and [OPEN]
Where: Founder's Day Festival;
When: Thursday, September 5, 1867; early evening
Status: Incomplete
Summary: With a makeshift dance area set up in the town square, Stella's enjoying herself more than she'd expected.


The trick was to start a chain reaction; get one partner to ask another, and another, and another, until the dance floor was full... )