icons for you & your rp pardners' Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
icons for you & your rp pardners

the cowboy pb icon community run by ~andrewryan and ~walburga, where actors wearing wide-brimmed hats and spurs are bound to make an appearance. the code of conduct here is simple: don't hotlink or modify, but do credit and say howdy!
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pb: christian bale [Thu Jun 2009 @ 12:55am]

None of you saw this coming, am I right?

Christian Bale x35 )
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pb: guy pearce [Wed Jun 2009 @ 4:05pm]

Guy Pearce in The Proposition, which is not a "western," but there are wide-brimmed hats, guns, horses, bromance gone horrifically wrong, and, hey, Australia has a west somewhere too -- so it COUNTS, okay? Anyway! He is nasty and raggedy and filthy as fuck and still hot as hell (which just spat him out, by the looks of him).

Guy Pearce x25 )
013 post comment

pb: Russell Crowe [Sat Jun 2009 @ 5:29pm]

Yes, I am cross-posting my own icons from my general PB community. It's for the sake of posterity! And for keeping all the cowboys together, especially the boyos from 3:10.

Russell Crowe x60. )
03 post comment

pb: logan lerman [Thu Jun 2009 @ 11:07am]

This cute kid is Bale's son in 3:10 to Yuma, which is next to impossible to icon thanks to all the night-time scenes and deep saturation. Well, one tries!

Logan Lerman x40 )
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