Oh, Canada! OOC - April 5th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Oh, Canada! - OOC

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April 5th, 2011

[Apr. 5th, 2011|01:39 am]
Introducing Vince. He's not too happy to be here and doesn't know what to expect. He hasn't played hockey for over 6 months. He's put here as daddy's spy.. and when and how this will come out who knows. It's also unknown at this time if Vince will be truthful to daddy or not. Only time will tell what route he takes.

I'm open to anything with him so anybody who wants to do something, let me know. He's bisexual. He doesn't go looking for sex but if the right offer presents itself, he's going to take it.

Emails will be my most productive way of playing but I will be on AIM when it cooperates and my life allows. Most of you know I have an 8 year old so, as a single parent, he sometimes takes up a lot of my time.. please warm weather get here soon to stay!!! If life is going to keep me away from technology for awhile I will let you all know.

For those of you who have guys/girls who like to hassle others, here's a link to the Levi's commercial I say Vince did. Anybody who might have seen it might say he looks familiar or might think Vice thinks he's hot shit for being in the commercial. Hopefully it embedded okay

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