Off Topic Cafe


March 25th, 2008

perhin @ 02:26 pm: Teas
I'm interested in drinking teas. I have a box of a citrus mix and I'm interested in trying different types.

What's your favorite tea? What does it do to you(makes you sleepy, calms you, etc..)? How does it taste? Is it affordable?


Current Mood: jubilant
pen @ 06:04 pm: Moderator Needed
I need an additional moderator to handle the daytime period (from around 9am-6pm EST especially.) I would like someone with some experience in this type of forum, and works well with others. :-)

If you're interested, please email ( Please write something introductory about you (previous usernames on other journal sites.) and explain what you're hoping to do as a mod of the community.


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