Off Topic Cafe


February 18th, 2008

ladystarlight @ 07:05 am: Forcing WMP to use dloaded skins?
I'm hoping that someone here knows either how to do this or can point me in an area that will tell me how.

I have some pretty downloaded Windows Media Player skins featuring the cast of Stargate Atlantis, and I can't persuade WMP to acknowledge them as usable skins. Or acknowledge them at all, actually.

Any hints, thoughts, anything?

Current Mood: hopeful
flurgh @ 01:48 pm: Apply Directly To The Internet
I have to share a conversation I just had mere seconds ago:

Droo: dude
Flurgh: yesh?
Droo: i gave in and bought some head on, and i applied it directly to my forehead
Droo: and it TOTALLY WORKS
Flurgh: LMAO!!
Droo: i know right!
Flurgh: ow.. can't breathe.. too.. funny...
Droo: haha aw
Flurgh: oh shit, i have to share that with the internet
Droo: haha go ahead

Current Mood: amused
heiko @ 11:46 pm: Cooking
'Sup OTC,

Most of my cooking involve Making Do With Whatever Happens to be in the Fridge due to inability to plan for the foreseeable future, and hey, a bachelor's gotta cook sometimes.

What I cooked up today. )

So, any general cooking tips for the lazy and the fuss-free? My solution recently is to add whatever-extra-alcohol-I-happen-to-have-sitting-around. And soysauce.

Current Mood: bored
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