Off Topic Cafe


January 16th, 2008

pen @ 01:44 pm: Discuss: IJ Community Building
Recently I was discussing community building with someone via email from IJ.

I sent them this in reference to new asylums being created that are identical to already existing and active ones: At this point IJ is not very active community wise, and I think it's best to support the asylums that are already in place at this time. There just aren't enough active IJers to go around. In all honestly, being supportive of IJ allows us to create a much more enjoyable and inviting journaling system that will eventually net us the users to have multiple communities like LJ or GJ does. I don't know how long you've been here, but you'll find this to be a pretty common attitude among those of us who are really active.

I believe this to be so, but that doesn't make it true. What are all of your opinions on this, I think, important topic to IJers? How important is community on IJ to you? What do you think we should do to build IJ's community?

(And share this link around. I'd love to hear from all of you, but if you have friends who might want to add to this topic, please show them where we are.)

And we still have MACRO MAYHEM and I still need MOAR KITTEHS (LINK IS NOW CORRECT):

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